Essential medicines for universal health coverage
Executive summary Essential medicines satisfy the priority health-care needs of the
population. Essential medicines policies are crucial to promoting health and achieving …
population. Essential medicines policies are crucial to promoting health and achieving …
Barriers for conducting clinical trials in develo** countries-a systematic review
Background Clinical trials for identification of efficient and effective new diagnostic and
treatment modalities are needed to address disproportionately high burden of …
treatment modalities are needed to address disproportionately high burden of …
Governance challenges in global health
Governance Challenges in Global Health | New England Journal of Medicine Skip to main
content The New England Journal of Medicine homepage Advanced Search SEARCH …
content The New England Journal of Medicine homepage Advanced Search SEARCH …
Map** of available health research and development data: what's there, what's missing, and what role is there for a global observatory?
The need to align investments in health research and development (R&D) with public health
demands is one of the most pressing global public health challenges. We aim to provide a …
demands is one of the most pressing global public health challenges. We aim to provide a …
Emerging and reemerging neglected tropical diseases: a review of key characteristics, risk factors, and the policy and innovation environment
In global health, critical challenges have arisen from infectious diseases, including the
emergence and reemergence of old and new infectious diseases. Emergence and …
emergence and reemergence of old and new infectious diseases. Emergence and …
How can pricing and reimbursement policies improve affordable access to medicines? Lessons learned from European countries
This article discusses pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in European
countries with regard to their ability to ensure affordable access to medicines. A frequently …
countries with regard to their ability to ensure affordable access to medicines. A frequently …
Innovation in neglected tropical disease drug discovery and development
Background: Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are closely related to poverty and affect
over a billion people in develo** countries. The unmet treatment needs cause high …
over a billion people in develo** countries. The unmet treatment needs cause high …
Market failures and market framings: Can a market be transformed from the inside?
How do actors innovate markets in cases of perceived market failures? This paper's aim is to
examine what happens when a market is innovated or, as we call it,'redevised'in situations …
examine what happens when a market is innovated or, as we call it,'redevised'in situations …
Who sets the global health research agenda? The challenge of multi-bi financing
D Sridhar - 2012 - journals.plos.org
As part of a cluster of articles critically reflecting on the theme of “no health without research,”
Devi Sridhar discusses a major challenge in the governance of research funding:“multi-bi” …
Devi Sridhar discusses a major challenge in the governance of research funding:“multi-bi” …
The mismatch between the health research and development (R&D) that is needed and the R&D that is undertaken: an overview of the problem, the causes, and …
One of the most pressing global health problems is that there is a mismatch between the
health research and development (R&D) that is needed and that which is undertaken. The …
health research and development (R&D) that is needed and that which is undertaken. The …