Erosion in Mediterranean landscapes: Changes and future challenges
Intense erosion processes are widespread in the Mediterranean region, and include sheet
wash erosion, rilling, gullying, shallow landsliding, and the development of large and active …
wash erosion, rilling, gullying, shallow landsliding, and the development of large and active …
Scale issues in runoff and sediment delivery (SIRSD): a systematic review and bibliometric analysis
Water erosion, a notorious major threat to food security and ecosystem sustainability, is
strongly conditioned by spatial and temporal scale effects. This paper systematically reviews …
strongly conditioned by spatial and temporal scale effects. This paper systematically reviews …
The influence mechanism of freeze-thaw on soil erosion: a review
L Zhang, F Ren, H Li, D Cheng, B Sun - Water, 2021 -
As an important type of soil erosion, freeze-thaw erosion occurs primarily at high latitude and
altitude. The overview on the effect of freeze-thaw on soil erosion was provided. Soil erosion …
altitude. The overview on the effect of freeze-thaw on soil erosion was provided. Soil erosion …
Dynamics of suspended sediment transport and yield in a large agricultural catchment, southwest France
The dynamics of suspended sediment transport were monitored continuously in a large
agricultural catchment in southwest France from January 2007 to March 2009. The objective …
agricultural catchment in southwest France from January 2007 to March 2009. The objective …
Soil erosion and hydrology of the western Mediterranean badlands throughout rainfall simulation experiments: A review
Rainfall simulation experiments are widely used in geomorphological research in badland
areas. This technique contributed significantly to our understanding of badland …
areas. This technique contributed significantly to our understanding of badland …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of freeze-thaw on soil properties and water erosion.
B Sun, F Ren, W Ding, G Zhang, J Huang, J Li, L Zhang - 2021 -
Freeze-thaw erosion occurs primarily at high latitudes and altitudes. Temperature controlled
freeze-thaw events dislodge soil particles and serve as a catalyst for erosion. This review …
freeze-thaw events dislodge soil particles and serve as a catalyst for erosion. This review …
Regional scale modeling of hillslope sediment delivery: A case study in the Barasona Reservoir watershed (Spain) using WATEM/SEDEM
Soil erosion and sediment delivery to streams are important environmental problems and
major concerns in sustainable development. In recent years several tools have been …
major concerns in sustainable development. In recent years several tools have been …
Effects of slope angle and aspect on plant cover and species richness in a humid Mediterranean badland
Soil erosion is one of the most severe land degradation processes in the Mediterranean
region. Although badlands occupy a relatively small fraction of the Mediterranean area, their …
region. Although badlands occupy a relatively small fraction of the Mediterranean area, their …
Rainfall, runoff and sediment transport in a Mediterranean mountainous catchment
The relation between rainfall, runoff, erosion and sediment transport is highly variable in
Mediterranean catchments. Their relation can be modified by land use changes and climate …
Mediterranean catchments. Their relation can be modified by land use changes and climate …
Suspended sediment transport in a highly erodible catchment: the River Isábena (Southern Pyrenees)
Understanding and quantifying sediment load is important in catchments draining highly
erodible materials that eventually contribute to siltation of downstream reservoirs. Within this …
erodible materials that eventually contribute to siltation of downstream reservoirs. Within this …