[หนังสือ][B] Applied hydrogeology of fractured rocks
BBS Singhal, RP Gupta - 2010 - books.google.com
Hydrogeology is a topical and growing subject as the earth's water resources become
scarcer and more vulnerable. More than half of the surface area of continents is covered with …
scarcer and more vulnerable. More than half of the surface area of continents is covered with …
Hydrogeological interpretation and potential of the new magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) method
M Lubczynski, J Roy - Journal of Hydrology, 2003 - Elsevier
This study reviews the up-to-date hydrogeological contribution of the new, geophysical
magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) method and presents new interpretation ideas and …
magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) method and presents new interpretation ideas and …
MRI of mass transport in porous media: Drying and sorption processes
IV Koptyug - Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance …, 2012 - Elsevier
A title seldom gives exhaustive information about the content it precedes. Consequently, we
sometimes find ourselves disappointed when we realize that a paper is not about what we …
sometimes find ourselves disappointed when we realize that a paper is not about what we …
Characterization of seasonal local recharge using electrical resistivity tomography and magnetic resonance sounding
A groundwater recharge process of heterogeneous hard rock aquifer in the Moole Hole
experimental watershed, south India, is being studied to understand the groundwater flow …
experimental watershed, south India, is being studied to understand the groundwater flow …
[หนังสือ][B] Magnetic resonance imaging for groundwater
A Legtchenko - 2013 - books.google.com
This book presents the basics of the non-invasive geophysical method for groundwater
investigation, called Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) or Surface Nuclear Magnetic …
investigation, called Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) or Surface Nuclear Magnetic …
Hydraulic conductivity explored by factor analysis of borehole geophysical data
NP Szabó - Hydrogeology Journal, 2015 - search.proquest.com
A multivariate statistical method is presented for providing hydrogeological information on
groundwater formations. Factor analysis is applied to borehole logs in Hungary and the USA …
groundwater formations. Factor analysis is applied to borehole logs in Hungary and the USA …
Hydrogeophysics and remote sensing for the design of hydrogeological conceptual models in hard rocks–Sardón catchment (Spain)
AP Francés, MW Lubczynski, J Roy, FAM Santos… - Journal of Applied …, 2014 - Elsevier
Hard rock aquifers are highly heterogeneous and hydrogeologically complex. To contribute
to the design of hydrogeological conceptual models of hard rock aquifers, we propose a …
to the design of hydrogeological conceptual models of hard rock aquifers, we propose a …
Magnetic resonance sounding: New method for ground water assessment
M Lubczynski, J Roy - Groundwater, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The advantage of magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) as compared to other classical
geophysical methods is in its water selective approach and reduced ambiguity in …
geophysical methods is in its water selective approach and reduced ambiguity in …
[PDF][PDF] Estimating specific yield and transmissivity with magnetic resonance sounding in an unconfined sandstone aquifer (Niger)
M Boucher, G Favreau, JM Vouillamoz… - Hydrogeology …, 2009 - researchgate.net
The unconfined aquifer of the Continental Terminal in Niger was investigated by magnetic
resonance sounding (MRS) and by 14 pum** tests in order to improve calibration of MRS …
resonance sounding (MRS) and by 14 pum** tests in order to improve calibration of MRS …
Resolution of MRS applied to the characterization of hard‐rock aquifers
The performance of the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) method applied to the
investigation of heterogeneous hard‐rock aquifers was studied. It was shown using both …
investigation of heterogeneous hard‐rock aquifers was studied. It was shown using both …