[PDF][PDF] Das bibliothekarische Konzept der Informationskompetenz-ein Überblick
M Ingold - 2005 - boris.unibe.ch
Informationskompetenz hat sich in den letzten Jahren als wichtiges Teilgebiet des
Bibliothekswesens etabliert. Der vorliegende Text gibt einen einführenden Überblick über …
Bibliothekswesens etabliert. Der vorliegende Text gibt einen einführenden Überblick über …
How computers facilitate English foreign language learners acquire English abstract words
This study investigated computer assisted (CAL) foreign language abstract word learning. A
total of 13 commonly encountered abstract words at the elementary school level were …
total of 13 commonly encountered abstract words at the elementary school level were …
[PDF][PDF] How computer-assisted language learning literacy is conceptualized in research: A general overview
F Nami - Aula Abierta, 2021 - researchgate.net
In order to achieve the effective integration of any tool, including digital technologies, into
their daily teaching practices, language instructors need to develop their understanding of …
their daily teaching practices, language instructors need to develop their understanding of …
Word processors as monarchs: Computer-generated feedback can exercise power over and influence EAL learners' identity representations
A Zaini - Computers & Education, 2018 - Elsevier
While the efficacy of computer-generated feedback in affecting learners' scores, errors, and
writing skills has already been established, the impact of such feedback on learners' identity …
writing skills has already been established, the impact of such feedback on learners' identity …
A comparison of the linguistic and interactional features of language learning websites and textbooks
K Kong - Computer Assisted Language Learning, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Self-study is playing an increasingly important role in the learning and instruction of many
subjects, including second and foreign languages. With the rapid development of the …
subjects, including second and foreign languages. With the rapid development of the …
[หนังสือ][B] Exploring international ESL students' on-screen reading behaviors with two academic reading purposes
IC Chou - 2009 - search.proquest.com
This study explored international ESL graduate students' on-screen reading behaviors in
academic settings. Students' on-screen reading preference, tendency, frequency and …
academic settings. Students' on-screen reading preference, tendency, frequency and …
[PDF][PDF] An international bibliography of computer-assisted language learning: sixth instalment
UOH Jung - System, 2005 - Citeseer
This is the sixth attempt since 1988 to serve the ed tech community by making public a
collection of 682 bibliographic entries. Together with its predecessors** this international …
collection of 682 bibliographic entries. Together with its predecessors** this international …
Hypertext: Its nature and challenges for college students
KE Sandberg - Journal of College Reading and Learning, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Reading academic hypertext documents in college brings a new level of complexity that
changes the definition of college reading and literacy. Knowing how to read these …
changes the definition of college reading and literacy. Knowing how to read these …
[หนังสือ][B] Comparative study between two ESL writing approaches: Computer processing Microsoft Word vs. hand writing of two freshmen college Saudi student groups
AT Al-Harbi - 2008 - search.proquest.com
This comparative study investigated the effectiveness of two writing approaches, hand
writing (using paper and pencil) and computer processing (using Microsoft Word), in …
writing (using paper and pencil) and computer processing (using Microsoft Word), in …
Cyclic Intervention Study: How Blended Learning Facilitates the Teaching and Learning of L2 Academic Writing in One Preparatory Year Classroom in Saudi Arabia
A Salagoor - 2024 - ore.exeter.ac.uk
This thesis investigates how adopting a blended learning approach may help in develo**
teachers' pedagogical practices and have a significant impact on students' ability to master …
teachers' pedagogical practices and have a significant impact on students' ability to master …