Review of biodiesel composition, properties, and specifications
Biodiesel is a renewable transportation fuel consisting of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME),
generally produced by transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. In this review, the …
generally produced by transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. In this review, the …
A comprehensive review on properties of edible and non-edible vegetable oil-based biodiesel: Composition, specifications and prediction models
In recent decades, the concern over depletion of the world׳ s petroleum reserves and
environmental pollution has increased the demand to develop a renewable and …
environmental pollution has increased the demand to develop a renewable and …
Comparision of fuel properties of biodiesel fuels produced from different oils to determine the most suitable feedstock type
Energy, having primary importance in ensuring the prosperity and development of countries,
has recently become one of the most strategic parameters in the international arena …
has recently become one of the most strategic parameters in the international arena …
Influence of fatty acid composition of raw materials on biodiesel properties
The aim of this work was the study of the influence of the raw material composition on
biodiesel quality, using a transesterification reaction. Thus, ten refined vegetable oils were …
biodiesel quality, using a transesterification reaction. Thus, ten refined vegetable oils were …
Analysis of blended fuel properties and engine performance with palm biodiesel–diesel blended fuel
Depleting fossil fuel sources accompanied by continuously growing energy demands lead to
increased interest in alternative energy sources. Blended biodiesel–diesel fuel has been …
increased interest in alternative energy sources. Blended biodiesel–diesel fuel has been …
Microalgae as feedstock for biodiesel production: carbon dioxide sequestration, lipid production and biofuel quality
BACKGROUND: The novelty of this work is the estimation of the fuel properties of biodiesel,
a comparison study with conventional sources of biodiesel commonly used as feedstock …
a comparison study with conventional sources of biodiesel commonly used as feedstock …
Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel from different origins: A review
Alarming situation of world energy stimulated the researchers to look for new sources of fuel,
which must be renewable, locally available and environmentally benign. In this regard, the …
which must be renewable, locally available and environmentally benign. In this regard, the …
Methods for improving the cold flow properties of biodiesel with high saturated fatty acids content: A review
The scarcity of fossil fuels in medium and long term has led to several researchers to
propose different alternatives to replace them, where the biodiesel had been proposed as …
propose different alternatives to replace them, where the biodiesel had been proposed as …
A mini review on the cold flow properties of biodiesel and its blends
Biodiesels are renewable fuel that may be produced from various feedstock using different
techniques. It is endorsed in some countries of the world as a viable substitute to diesel fuel …
techniques. It is endorsed in some countries of the world as a viable substitute to diesel fuel …
Microalgal fatty acid composition: implications for biodiesel quality
The fuel properties of microalgal biodiesel are predicted using published microalgal fatty
acid (FA) compositions and predictive fuel models. Biodiesels produced from the microalgae …
acid (FA) compositions and predictive fuel models. Biodiesels produced from the microalgae …