Differential survival throughout the full annual cycle of a migratory bird presents a life‐history trade‐off
Long‐distance migrations are among the most physically demanding feats animals perform.
Understanding the potential costs and benefits of such behaviour is a fundamental question …
Understanding the potential costs and benefits of such behaviour is a fundamental question …
Disease outbreaks select for mate choice and coat color in wolves
We know much about pathogen evolution and the emergence of new disease strains, but
less about host resistance and how it is signaled to other individuals and subsequently …
less about host resistance and how it is signaled to other individuals and subsequently …
Man‐induced activities modify demographic parameters in a long‐lived species: effects of poisoning and health policies
Recent changes in sanitary policies within the European Union (EU) concerning disposal of
carcasses of domestic animals and the increase of non‐natural mortality factors, such as …
carcasses of domestic animals and the increase of non‐natural mortality factors, such as …
Sex‐biased survival contributes to population decline in a long‐lived seabird, the Magellanic Penguin
NJ Gownaris, PD Boersma - Ecological Applications, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract We developed a Hidden Markov mark–recapture model (R package marked) to
examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Our …
examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Our …
Varying demographic impacts of different fisheries on three Mediterranean seabird species
Fisheries have an enormous economic importance, but reconciling their socio‐economic
features with the conservation and sustainability of marine ecosystems presents major …
features with the conservation and sustainability of marine ecosystems presents major …
Revisiting the effect of capture heterogeneity on survival estimates in capture-mark-recapture studies: does it matter?
Recently developed capture-mark-recapture methods allow us to account for capture
heterogeneity among individuals in the form of discrete mixtures and continuous individual …
heterogeneity among individuals in the form of discrete mixtures and continuous individual …
Population reinforcement and demographic changes needed to stabilise the population of a migratory vulture
One approach to stabilise small and declining populations is to breed individuals in captivity
and release them into the wild to reinforce existing populations while working to reduce …
and release them into the wild to reinforce existing populations while working to reduce …
Long‐term conservation efforts at flyway scale can halt the population decline in a globally endangered migratory raptor
Many threatened species require ongoing management, which is often funded through short
project cycles. Evaluating whether the management is effective in protecting a species is …
project cycles. Evaluating whether the management is effective in protecting a species is …
Consecutive cohort effects driven by density-dependence and climate influence early-life survival in a long-lived bird
Conditions during early life, including maternal cohort effects, can influence the future fitness
of individuals. This may be particularly true for long-distance migrating birds, because, apart …
of individuals. This may be particularly true for long-distance migrating birds, because, apart …
Immature survival, fertility, and density dependence drive global population dynamics in a long‐lived species
Disentangling the influence of demographic parameters and the role of density dependence
on species' population dynamics is a challenge, especially when fractions of the population …
on species' population dynamics is a challenge, especially when fractions of the population …