[PDF][PDF] Сканирующие зондовые микроскопы (обзор)

АА Суслов, СА Чижик - Материалы, технологии, инструменты, 1997‏ - microtm.narod.ru
Введение. В 1981 году Герхард Бинниг и Хайнрих Рёрер из лаборатории IBM в Цюрихе
представили миру сканирующий туннельный микроскоп (СТМ). С его помощью были …

[ספר][B] Surface and interfacial forces

HJ Butt, M Kappl - 2018‏ - books.google.com
A general introduction to surface and interfacial forces, perfectly combining theoretical
concepts, experimental techniques and practical applications. In this completely updated …

[ספר][B] Handbook of surface and interface analysis: methods for problem-solving

JC Riviere, S Myhra - 2009‏ - taylorfrancis.com
The original Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis: Methods for Problem-Solving was
based on the authors' firm belief that characterization and analysis of surfaces should be …

The determination of atomic force microscope cantilever spring constants via dimensionalmethods for nanomechanical analysis

CA Clifford, MP Seah - Nanotechnology, 2005‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Many papers have been published on methods to determine the normal spring constant, kz,
of atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilevers. This is necessary to calibrate force …

Quantitative analysis of lateral force microscopy experiments

UD Schwarz, P Köster, R Wiesendanger - Review of scientific …, 1996‏ - pubs.aip.org
The analysis of lateral force microscopy experiments is discussed with emphasis on
calibration issues and the statistical treatment of the original data in order to obtain reliable …

Calibration procedures for frictional measurements with a lateral force microscope

E Liu, B Blanpain, JP Celis - Wear, 1996‏ - Elsevier
This paper outlines a procedure for the calibration of the lateral force applied to a triangular
cantilever tip by means of a lateral force microscope. The force is directed perpendicular to …

Spring constants of composite ceramic/gold cantilevers for scanning probe microscopy

JL Hazel, VV Tsukruk - Thin Solid Films, 1999‏ - Elsevier
A combination of finite element analysis (FEA) calculations and resonant frequency
measurements are applied for determining the normal and lateral spring constants of …

Quantitative nanotribology by AFM: a novel universal calibration platform

E Tocha, H Schönherr, GJ Vancso - Langmuir, 2006‏ - ACS Publications
The quantitative determination of friction forces by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in
nanotribology requires the conversion of the output voltage signal of the sector area …

Tip friction—torsional spring constant determination

G Bogdanovic, A Meurk, MW Rutland - Colloids and Surfaces B …, 2000‏ - Elsevier
A non-destructive technique is presented for verifying torsional spring constants used in
lateral force microscopy. Various calibrations of the microscope are required and these are …

Scanning probe microscopy

LA Bottomley, JE Coury, PN First - Analytical Chemistry, 1996‏ - ACS Publications
Scanning probe microscopy is a family of techniques which provide images of the surface
topography and, in some cases surface properties, on the atomic scale. Since its inception in …