Mechanical systems in the quantum regime

M Poot, HSJ van der Zant - Physics Reports, 2012 - Elsevier
Mechanical systems are ideal candidates for studying quantum behavior of macroscopic
objects. To this end, a mechanical resonator has to be cooled to its ground state and its …

Strong dispersive coupling of a high-finesse cavity to a micromechanical membrane

JD Thompson, BM Zwickl, AM Jayich, F Marquardt… - Nature, 2008 -
Macroscopic mechanical objects and electromagnetic degrees of freedom can couple to
each other through radiation pressure. Optomechanical systems in which this coupling is …

Nanomechanical measurements of a superconducting qubit

MD LaHaye, J Suh, PM Echternach, KC Schwab… - Nature, 2009 -
The observation of the quantum states of motion of a macroscopic mechanical structure
remains an open challenge in quantum-state preparation and measurement. One approach …

Back-action evasion and squeezing of a mechanical resonator using a cavity detector

AA Clerk, F Marquardt, K Jacobs - New Journal of Physics, 2008 -
We study the quantum measurement of a cantilever using a parametrically coupled
electromagnetic cavity which is driven at the two sidebands corresponding to the …

Quantum-trajectory approach to the stochastic thermodynamics of a forced harmonic oscillator

JM Horowitz - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
I formulate a quantum stochastic thermodynamics for the quantum trajectories of a
continuously monitored forced harmonic oscillator coupled to a thermal reservoir. Consistent …

Qubit models of weak continuous measurements: Markovian conditional and open-system dynamics

JA Gross, CM Caves, GJ Milburn… - Quantum Science and …, 2018 -
In this paper we approach the theory of continuous measurements and the associated
unconditional and conditional (stochastic) master equations from the perspective of quantum …

Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of quantum behavior in nanomechanical resonators

Y Liu, A Miranowicz, YB Gao, J Bajer, CP Sun… - Physical Review A …, 2010 - APS
The observation of quantized nanomechanical oscillations by detecting femtometer-scale
displacements is a significant challenge for experimentalists. We propose that a phonon …

Intrinsic dissipation in nanomechanical resonators due to phonon tunneling

I Wilson-Rae - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2008 - APS
State of the art nanomechanical resonators present quality factors Q∼ 10 3–10 5, which are
much lower than those that can be naively extrapolated from the behavior of …

Preparing a mechanical oscillator in non-Gaussian quantum states

F Khalili, S Danilishin, H Miao, H Müller-Ebhardt… - Physical review …, 2010 - APS
We propose a protocol for coherently transferring non-Gaussian quantum states from an
optical field to a mechanical oscillator. We demonstrate its experimental feasibility in future …

Standard quantum limit for probing mechanical energy quantization

H Miao, S Danilishin, T Corbitt, Y Chen - Physical review letters, 2009 - APS
We derive a standard quantum limit for probing mechanical energy quantization in a class of
systems with mechanical modes parametrically coupled to external degrees of freedom. To …