Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
Understanding animal movement is essential to elucidate how animals interact, survive, and
thrive in a changing world. Recent technological advances in data collection and …
thrive in a changing world. Recent technological advances in data collection and …
Autocorrelation‐informed home range estimation: A review and practical guide
Modern tracking devices allow for the collection of high‐volume animal tracking data at
improved sampling rates over very‐high‐frequency radiotelemetry. Home range estimation …
improved sampling rates over very‐high‐frequency radiotelemetry. Home range estimation …
Residency and space use estimation methods based on passive acoustic telemetry data
Acoustic telemetry has helped overcome many of the challenges faced when studying the
movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data …
movement ecology of aquatic species, allowing to obtain unprecedented amounts of data …
Beyond migration: causes and consequences of nomadic animal movements
Recent advances in animal tracking reveal that many species display irregular movements
that do not fall into classical categories of movement patterns such as range residency or …
that do not fall into classical categories of movement patterns such as range residency or …
Spatial personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior
Individual variation in behavior, particularly consistent among-individual differences (ie,
personality), has important ecological and evolutionary implications for population and …
personality), has important ecological and evolutionary implications for population and …
Species-Habitat Associations: Spatial data, predictive models, and ecological insights
Ecologists develop species-habitat association (SHA) models to understand where species
occur, why they are there and where else they might be. This knowledge can be used to …
occur, why they are there and where else they might be. This knowledge can be used to …
Defining an epidemiological landscape that connects movement ecology to pathogen transmission and pace‐of‐life
Pathogen transmission depends on host density, mobility and contact. These components
emerge from host and pathogen movements that themselves arise through interactions with …
emerge from host and pathogen movements that themselves arise through interactions with …
Mitigating pseudoreplication and bias in resource selection functions with autocorrelation‐informed weighting
Resource selection functions (RSFs) are among the most commonly used statistical tools in
both basic and applied animal ecology. They are typically parameterized using animal …
both basic and applied animal ecology. They are typically parameterized using animal …
Overcoming the challenge of small effective sample sizes in home‐range estimation
Technological advances have steadily increased the detail of animal tracking datasets, yet
fundamental data limitations exist for many species that cause substantial biases in home …
fundamental data limitations exist for many species that cause substantial biases in home …
Assessing the impact of urban form and urbanization process on tropospheric nitrogen dioxide pollution in the Yangtze River Delta, China
Optimizing urban form through urban planning and management policies can improve air
quality and transition to demand-side control. Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) in the urban …
quality and transition to demand-side control. Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) in the urban …