Emotion modelling for social robotics applications: a review
Robots of today are eager to leave constrained industrial environments and embrace
unexplored and unstructured areas, for extensive applications in the real world as service …
unexplored and unstructured areas, for extensive applications in the real world as service …
Current trends and opportunities in the methodology of electrodermal activity measurement
Electrodermal activity (EDA) has been measured in the laboratory since the late 1800s.
Although the influence of sudomotor nerve activity and the sympathetic nervous system on …
Although the influence of sudomotor nerve activity and the sympathetic nervous system on …
Unobtrusive assessment of students' emotional engagement during lectures using electrodermal activity sensors
Modern wearable devices enable the continuous and unobtrusive monitoring of human
physiological parameters, including heart rate and electrodermal activity. Through the …
physiological parameters, including heart rate and electrodermal activity. Through the …
Going beyond what is visible: What multichannel data can reveal about interaction in the context of collaborative learning?
Progress in the development of technology has provided data-capturing devices that make it
possible to identify detailed processes in collaborative learning. This study utilized …
possible to identify detailed processes in collaborative learning. This study utilized …
Unsupervised emotional state classification through physiological parameters for social robotics applications
Future social robots should have personalized behaviors based on user emotional state to fit
more in ordinary users' activities and to improve the human–robot interaction. Several …
more in ordinary users' activities and to improve the human–robot interaction. Several …
Personalized emotion recognition by personality-aware high-order learning of physiological signals
Due to the subjective responses of different subjects to physical stimuli, emotion recognition
methodologies from physiological signals are increasingly becoming personalized. Existing …
methodologies from physiological signals are increasingly becoming personalized. Existing …
EEG-based classification of positive and negative affective states
This study aimed to identify the neurophysiological correlates of two primary aroused
affective states related to positive and negative emotions, and to create a classification …
affective states related to positive and negative emotions, and to create a classification …
Using unobtrusive wearable sensors to measure the physiological synchrony between presenters and audience members
The widespread adoption of mobile and wearable devices enables new approaches for the
unobtrusive and continuous monitoring of humans' behavior, physiological state …
unobtrusive and continuous monitoring of humans' behavior, physiological state …
Reading the room: Automated, momentary assessment of student engagement in the classroom: Are we there yet?
When in front of a classroom, a skilled teacher can read the room, identifying when students
are engaged, frustrated, distracted, etc. In recent years we have seen significant changes in …
are engaged, frustrated, distracted, etc. In recent years we have seen significant changes in …
From face detection to emotion recognition on the framework of Raspberry pi and galvanic skin response sensor for visual and physiological biosignals
The facial and physiological sensor-based emotion recognition methods are two popular
methods of emotion recognition. The proposed research is the first of its kind in real-time …
methods of emotion recognition. The proposed research is the first of its kind in real-time …