Circuitscape in Julia: empowering dynamic approaches to connectivity assessment
The conservation field is experiencing a rapid increase in the amount, variety, and quality of
spatial data that can help us understand species movement and landscape connectivity …
spatial data that can help us understand species movement and landscape connectivity …
Longest terrestrial migrations and movements around the world
Long-distance terrestrial migrations are imperiled globally. We determined both round-trip
migration distances (straight-line measurements between migratory end points) and total …
migration distances (straight-line measurements between migratory end points) and total …
Barrier Behaviour Analysis (BaBA) reveals extensive effects of fencing on wide‐ranging ungulates
As human activities expand globally, there is a growing need to identify and mitigate barriers
to animal movements. Fencing is a pervasive human modification of the landscape that can …
to animal movements. Fencing is a pervasive human modification of the landscape that can …
Four steps to strengthen connectivity modeling
Maintaining and restoring ecological connectivity is considered a global imperative to help
reverse the decline of biodiversity. To be successful, practitioners need to be guided by …
reverse the decline of biodiversity. To be successful, practitioners need to be guided by …
The plasticity of ungulate migration in a changing world
Migratory ungulates are thought to be declining globally because their dependence on large
landscapes renders them highly vulnerable to environmental change. Yet recent studies …
landscapes renders them highly vulnerable to environmental change. Yet recent studies …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of mining and road development on habitat fragmentation and connectivity of khulan (Equus hemionus) in Northwestern China
Y Zhuo, W Xu, M Wang, C Chen, AA Da Silva… - Biological …, 2022 - Elsevier
Habitat use by wild animals may be subject to spatial and temporal changes. The Kalamaili
Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve (KNR), inhabited by> 80% of Chinese khulan (Equus …
Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve (KNR), inhabited by> 80% of Chinese khulan (Equus …
Predicting areas important for ecological connectivity throughout Canada
Governments around the world have acknowledged that urgent action is needed to
conserve and restore ecological connectivity to help reverse the decline of biodiversity. In …
conserve and restore ecological connectivity to help reverse the decline of biodiversity. In …
Research status and challenges of road impacts on wildlife in China
A Maierdiyali, Y Wang, S Tao, Y Kong… - Biodiversity …, 2022 -
Background & Aim: Habitat loss and fragmentation, driven by expansion of global transport
infrastructure networks, has become one of the significant factors contributing to the decline …
infrastructure networks, has become one of the significant factors contributing to the decline …
Drainage basin reorganization and endorheic-exorheic transition triggered by climate change and human intervention
Climate warming is resha** the surface water system of the world's polar regions. It results
in accelerated glacial retreat and melting, lake expansion, and runoff increasing on the Third …
in accelerated glacial retreat and melting, lake expansion, and runoff increasing on the Third …
Grieving environmental scientists need support
Rates of environmental destruction are greater today than at any previous point in human
history (1). This loss of valued species, ecosystems, and landscapes triggers strong grief …
history (1). This loss of valued species, ecosystems, and landscapes triggers strong grief …