Quantum many-body scars and weak breaking of ergodicity
Thermalization is the inevitable fate of many complex quantum systems, whose dynamics
allow them to fully explore the vast configuration space regardless of the initial state—the …
allow them to fully explore the vast configuration space regardless of the initial state—the …
Quantum simulation for high-energy physics
It is for the first time that quantum simulation for high-energy physics (HEP) is studied in the
US decadal particle-physics community planning, and in fact until recently, this was not …
US decadal particle-physics community planning, and in fact until recently, this was not …
Observing non-ergodicity due to kinetic constraints in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains
The thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems is deeply related to fundamental
questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems …
questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems …
Quantum simulation of fundamental particles and forces
Key static and dynamic properties of matter—from creation in the Big Bang to evolution into
subatomic and astrophysical environments—arise from the underlying fundamental …
subatomic and astrophysical environments—arise from the underlying fundamental …
Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator
Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from
elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We …
elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We …
Scalable circuits for preparing ground states on digital quantum computers: The Schwinger model vacuum on 100 qubits
The vacuum of the lattice Schwinger model is prepared on up to 100 qubits of IBM's Eagle-
processor quantum computers. A new algorithm to prepare the ground state of a gapped …
processor quantum computers. A new algorithm to prepare the ground state of a gapped …
Quantum computing for high-energy physics: State of the art and challenges
Quantum computers offer an intriguing path for a paradigmatic change of computing in the
natural sciences and beyond, with the potential for achieving a so-called quantum …
natural sciences and beyond, with the potential for achieving a so-called quantum …
Hardware efficient quantum simulation of non-abelian gauge theories with qudits on Rydberg platforms
Non-Abelian gauge theories underlie our understanding of fundamental forces in nature,
and develo** tailored quantum hardware and algorithms to simulate them is an …
and develo** tailored quantum hardware and algorithms to simulate them is an …
Standard model physics and the digital quantum revolution: thoughts about the interface
Advances in isolating, controlling and entangling quantum systems are transforming what
was once a curious feature of quantum mechanics into a vehicle for disruptive scientific and …
was once a curious feature of quantum mechanics into a vehicle for disruptive scientific and …
Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory
The central idea of this review is to consider quantum field theory models relevant for
particle physics and replace the fermionic matter in these models by a bosonic one. This is …
particle physics and replace the fermionic matter in these models by a bosonic one. This is …