[ספר][B] Optical wireless communications: system and channel modelling with Matlab®
Z Ghassemlooy, W Popoola, S Rajbhandari - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
The 2nd Edition of Optical Wireless Communications: System and Channel Modelling with
MATLAB® with additional new materials, is a self-contained volume that provides a concise …
MATLAB® with additional new materials, is a self-contained volume that provides a concise …
[ספר][B] Application of wavelets and artificial neural network for indoor optical wireless communication systems
S Rajbhandari - 2010 - search.proquest.com
This study investigates the use of error control code, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and
artificial neural network (ANN) to improve the link performance of an indoor optical wireless …
artificial neural network (ANN) to improve the link performance of an indoor optical wireless …
Diversity performance of a wavelet-packet-based multicarrier multicode CDMA communication system
In this paper, we propose and analyze a novel multicarrier (MC) multicode (MCD) code-
division multiple-access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) for modulation …
division multiple-access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) for modulation …
[PDF][PDF] Performance analysis of MIMO wavelet packet multicarrier multicode CDMA system with antenna selection
Performance of Multicarrier Multicode Code-Division Multiple Access (MC/MCD-CDMA)
systems can be improved significantly by using Wavelet Packets (WPs) as subcarriers …
systems can be improved significantly by using Wavelet Packets (WPs) as subcarriers …
Performance analysis of wavelet packet multirate multicarrier multicode CDMA for wireless multimedia communications
Different kinds of Multirate (MR) communication systems, such as multicode (MCD) scheme
and variable spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for accommodating …
and variable spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for accommodating …
Performance of wavelet packets based multicarrier multicode CDMA communication system in the presence of narrowband jamming
In this paper, the performance of multicarrier (MC), multicode (MCD), code division multiple
access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) for modulation in the presence of …
access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) for modulation in the presence of …
Effect of jamming and diversity on the performance of a wavelet packet based multicarrier multicode CDMA communication system
In this paper, the performance of multicarrier (MC), multicode (MCD), code division multiple
access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) as subcarriers for modulation in …
access (CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) as subcarriers for modulation in …
[PDF][PDF] Outage Probability Performance of Wavelet Packet Multirate Multicarrier Multicode CDMA System
Multirate (MR) communication systems, such as multicode (MCD) scheme and variable
spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for transmitting informations with …
spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for transmitting informations with …
[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Electronics and
MM Akho-Zahieh, N Abdellatif - academia.edu
CDMA) system employing wavelet packets (WPs) as subcarriers for modulation in the
presence of nar-Accepted 11 July 2012 rowband interference is investigated. The …
presence of nar-Accepted 11 July 2012 rowband interference is investigated. The …
[PDF][PDF] Outage Probability Performance of Wavelet Packet Multirate Multicarrier Multicode CDMA System
N Abdellatif - 2013 - academia.edu
Multirate (MR) communication systems, such as multicode (MCD) scheme and variable
spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for transmitting informations with …
spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for transmitting informations with …