Geodynamics of continental rift initiation and evolution
A continental rift is a nascent plate boundary where the lithosphere is thinned by tectonic
activity. Some continental rifts undergo extension to the point that they generate a new …
activity. Some continental rifts undergo extension to the point that they generate a new …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-scale depositional successions in tectonic settings
LC Matenco, BU Haq - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Observations in sedimentary basins affected by deformation show that the fault-induced
depositional accommodation, at various spatial and temporal scales, is closely linked to …
depositional accommodation, at various spatial and temporal scales, is closely linked to …
Pre-Neoproterozoic continental growth of the Yangtze Block: From continental rifting to subduction–accretion
JY Li, XL Wang, D Wang, DH Du, JH Yu, ZD Gu… - Precambrian …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Yangtze Block exemplifies the gradual formation of cratons since the Archean,
and its pre-Neoproterozoic basement constitution needs to be clarified by a study of the …
and its pre-Neoproterozoic basement constitution needs to be clarified by a study of the …
The Laramide orogeny: Current understanding of the structural style, timing, and spatial distribution of the classic foreland thick-skinned tectonic system
The Laramide foreland belt comprises a broad region of thick-skinned, contractional
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
[HTML][HTML] Late Cretaceous to Paleogene exhumation in central Europe–localized inversion vs. large-scale domal uplift
Large parts of central Europe experienced exhumation in Late Cretaceous to Paleogene
time. Previous studies mainly focused on thrusted basement uplifts to unravel the …
time. Previous studies mainly focused on thrusted basement uplifts to unravel the …
Plate‐scale imaging of eastern US reveals ancient and ongoing continental deformation
Abstract Eastern North America was constructed over several Wilson cycles, culminating in
the breakup of Pangea. Previous seismological imaging lacked the resolution to depict …
the breakup of Pangea. Previous seismological imaging lacked the resolution to depict …
Seismic characteristics of the eastern North American crust with Ps converted waves: Terrane accretion and modification of continental crust
The impact of past tectonic events on the formation and modification of continental
lithosphere remains as an open question of fundamental importance. Eastern North America …
lithosphere remains as an open question of fundamental importance. Eastern North America …
Significance of failed rifts in the Archean tectonics: Clues from structural and stratigraphic framework of the Chitradurga Schist Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, southern …
Abstract The Chitradurga Schist Belt in the Western Dharwar Craton provides a unique
opportunity to investigate regional-scale tectonic processes not only in the Dharwar Craton …
opportunity to investigate regional-scale tectonic processes not only in the Dharwar Craton …
Variations in Seismic Wave Speed and VP/VS Ratio in the North American Lithosphere
Seismic wave speed is controlled by a number of factors, including temperature and
chemical composition, as well as the presence of volatiles and partial melt. Tomography …
chemical composition, as well as the presence of volatiles and partial melt. Tomography …
[HTML][HTML] Crustal and uppermost mantle structures of the North American Midcontinent Rift revealed by joint full-waveform inversion of ambient-noise data and …
Abstract The Midcontinent Rift (MCR), hosting several world-class ore deposits, is the fossil
remnant of a massive Mesoproterozoic rifting event (1.1 Ga) that did not lead to the formation …
remnant of a massive Mesoproterozoic rifting event (1.1 Ga) that did not lead to the formation …