Protected areas in Chile: history, current status, and challenges.
A Pauchard, P Villarroel - 2002 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Natural reserves or protected areas are a keystone of global strategies for biological
conservation. With over 18% of its land under protection, Chile faces challenges similar to …
conservation. With over 18% of its land under protection, Chile faces challenges similar to …
Towards the creation of an integrated system of protected areas in Chile: achievements and challenges
Background: Chile is committed to extending its National System of Protected Areas (NSPA),
focusing on eco-regions whose ecosystems are currently under-represented in the NSPA. A …
focusing on eco-regions whose ecosystems are currently under-represented in the NSPA. A …
Diversidad y valor de importancia para la conservación de la vegetación natural: Parque Nacional Lihué Calel (Argentina)
AM Campo, VS Duval - 2014 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
La vegetación es un recurso natural clave para el equilibrio del ecosistema por lo que es
necesario disponer de información cuantitativa sobre sus características y distribución. El …
necesario disponer de información cuantitativa sobre sus características y distribución. El …
The Chilean coastal range: a vanishing center of biodiversity and endemism in South American temperate rainforests
Temperate forests of southern South America are globally important because of their high
level of endemism. I argue here that within southern South America, rainforests of the …
level of endemism. I argue here that within southern South America, rainforests of the …
Representativeness of terrestrial ecosystems in Chile's protected area system
Because protected areas are a major means of conservation, the extent to which
ecosystems are represented under different protection regimes needs to be ascertained. A …
ecosystems are represented under different protection regimes needs to be ascertained. A …
Inequality in access to cultural ecosystem services from protected areas in the Chilean biodiversity hotspot
Experiences with nature through visits to protected areas provide important cultural
ecosystem services that have the potential to strengthen pro-environmental attitudes and …
ecosystem services that have the potential to strengthen pro-environmental attitudes and …
Representation of ecosystem services by terrestrial protected areas: Chile as a case study
Protected areas are increasingly considered to play a key role in the global maintenance of
ecosystem processes and the ecosystem services they provide. It is thus vital to assess the …
ecosystem processes and the ecosystem services they provide. It is thus vital to assess the …
Conservation network design for endemic cacti under taxonomic uncertainty
The utility of spatial conservation prioritization (SCP), could be limited by the biases
produced by taxonomic uncertainty and by the lack of an accepted taxonomic checklist for a …
produced by taxonomic uncertainty and by the lack of an accepted taxonomic checklist for a …
Ecosystem value in the Western Patagonia protected areas
To ensure the long-term conservation of the natural ecosystems heterogeneity in Western
Patagonia, effective techniques are required for evaluating, planning and redesigning the …
Patagonia, effective techniques are required for evaluating, planning and redesigning the …
Consideraciones sobre la sistemática de las familias y los géneros de plantas vasculares endémicos de Chile
El endemismo es uno de los principales aspectos que trata la biogeografía histórica y es
uno de los criterios más importantes para establecer las prioridades de conservación de las …
uno de los criterios más importantes para establecer las prioridades de conservación de las …