Fungal endophytes: diversity and functional roles
All plants in natural ecosystems appear to be symbiotic with fungal endophytes. This highly
diverse group of fungi can have profound impacts on plant communities through increasing …
diverse group of fungi can have profound impacts on plant communities through increasing …
Forest tree microbiomes and associated fungal endophytes: Functional roles and impact on forest health
Terrestrial plants including forest trees are generally known to live in close association with
microbial organisms. The inherent features of this close association can be commensalism …
microbial organisms. The inherent features of this close association can be commensalism …
Biology and chemistry of endophytes
HW Zhang, YC Song, RX Tan - Natural product reports, 2006 - pubs.rsc.org
Biology and chemistry of endophytes - Natural Product Reports (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/B609472B
Royal Society of Chemistry View PDF VersionPrevious ArticleNext Article DOI: 10.1039/B609472B …
Royal Society of Chemistry View PDF VersionPrevious ArticleNext Article DOI: 10.1039/B609472B …
Symbioses of grasses with seedborne fungal endophytes
▪ Abstract Grasses (family Poaceae) and fungi of the family Clavicipitaceae have a long
history of symbiosis ranging in a continuum from mutualisms to antagonisms. This …
history of symbiosis ranging in a continuum from mutualisms to antagonisms. This …
Unraveling the role of fungal symbionts in plant abiotic stress tolerance
LP Singh, SS Gill, N Tuteja - Plant signaling & behavior, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Fungal symbionts have been found associated with every plant studied in natural
ecosystem, where they colonize and reside entirely in the internal tissues of their host plant …
ecosystem, where they colonize and reside entirely in the internal tissues of their host plant …
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of multispecies plant-animal interactions
▪ Abstract Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are broadly interested in how the
interactions among organisms influence their abundance, distribution, phenotypes, and …
interactions among organisms influence their abundance, distribution, phenotypes, and …
Impacts of plant symbiotic fungi on insect herbivores: mutualism in a multitrophic context
SE Hartley, AC Gange - Annual review of entomology, 2009 - annualreviews.org
We consider how fungi that form symbiotic associations with plants interact with insect
herbivores attacking the same plants. Both endophytes and mycorrhizae have significant …
herbivores attacking the same plants. Both endophytes and mycorrhizae have significant …
Fungal endophytes: common host plant symbionts but uncommon mutualists
Fungal endophytes are extremely common and highly diverse microorganisms that live
within plant tissues, but usually remain asymptomatic. Endophytes traditionally have been …
within plant tissues, but usually remain asymptomatic. Endophytes traditionally have been …
Indirect interaction webs: herbivore-induced effects through trait change in plants
T Ohgushi - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2005 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Although predation has a lethal effect on prey, mature terrestrial plants are rarely
killed by herbivores, but herbivory can change plant allelochemistry, cell structure and …
killed by herbivores, but herbivory can change plant allelochemistry, cell structure and …
Defensive mutualism between plants and endophytic fungi?
Endophyte-grass symbiosis is generally considered to be a classic example of microbe-
plant symbiosis in which the fitness of the microbial symbiont and its host plant is closely …
plant symbiosis in which the fitness of the microbial symbiont and its host plant is closely …