[HTML][HTML] Umple: Model-driven development for open source and education
Umple is an open-source software modeling tool and compiler. It incorporates textual
language constructs for UML modeling, including associations and state machines. It …
language constructs for UML modeling, including associations and state machines. It …
[PDF][PDF] Complete code generation from UML state machine
AR Van Cam Pham, S Gérard, S Li - Proceedings of the 5th …, 2017 - scitepress.org
An event-driven architecture is a useful way to design and implement complex systems. The
UML State Machine and its visualizations are a powerful means to the modeling of the …
UML State Machine and its visualizations are a powerful means to the modeling of the …
Umple: A framework for model driven development of object-oriented systems
MA Garzón, H Aljamaan… - 2015 ieee 22nd …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Huge benefits are gained when Model Driven Engineering are adopted to develop software
systems. However, it remains a challenge for software modelers to embrace the MDE …
systems. However, it remains a challenge for software modelers to embrace the MDE …
Promoting traits into model-driven development
Traits, as sets of behaviors, can provide a good mechanism for reusability. However, they
are limited in important ways and are not present in widely used programming and modeling …
are limited in important ways and are not present in widely used programming and modeling …
Improving formal analysis of state machines with particular emphasis on and-cross transitions
In this paper, we present an approach to formally encode state machines expressed in
Umple for symbolic verification. We illustrate this with a real-world modeling example that …
Umple for symbolic verification. We illustrate this with a real-world modeling example that …
Using umple to synergistically process features, variants, UML models and classic code
TC Lethbridge, A Algablan - … of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation …, 2018 - Springer
We describe the synergies gained by enabling variants for product lines, or features, to be
modeled in the same master syntax as design models (class diagrams, state diagrams …
modeled in the same master syntax as design models (class diagrams, state diagrams …
Optimizing hierarchical, concurrent state machines in umple for model checking
This paper presents our work on the optimization of hierarchical, concurrent state machines
for the purpose of model checking software systems. We propose an encoding strategy that …
for the purpose of model checking software systems. We propose an encoding strategy that …
Challenges in reverse engineering of C++ to UML
Model-driven engineering provides possibly several advantages compared to the direct
implementation of a system. An existing code basis needs to be imported into the modeling …
implementation of a system. An existing code basis needs to be imported into the modeling …
A method of generating code implementation model for UML state diagrams
YH Kim - Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and …, 2022 - koreascience.kr
This paper presents a method to generate a model of the code implementation for UML state
diagrams. First, it promotes the states of a state machine into objects, and then it structures …
diagrams. First, it promotes the states of a state machine into objects, and then it structures …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling State Diagrams with And-Cross Transitions.
We propose an approach to encode state diagrams with and-cross transitions. The notion of
and-cross transitions is being rejected by researchers and practitioners in model-driven …
and-cross transitions is being rejected by researchers and practitioners in model-driven …