Leading teams in the digital age: Four perspectives on technology and what they mean for leading teams
L Larson, LA DeChurch - The leadership quarterly, 2020 - Elsevier
Digital technologies are changing the nature of teamwork in ways that have important
implications for leadership. Though conceptually rich and multi-disciplinary, much of the …
implications for leadership. Though conceptually rich and multi-disciplinary, much of the …
Social media use: A review of innovation management practices
The use of social media for innovation requires firms to manage rapid information transfers,
big data, and multiway communication. Yet managers lack clear insights on the way social …
big data, and multiway communication. Yet managers lack clear insights on the way social …
Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams
Advances in information technologies (IT) have enabled organizations to seek solutions for
their business problems from beyond their own workforce through digital crowdsourcing …
their business problems from beyond their own workforce through digital crowdsourcing …
[HTML][HTML] Crowdsourcing as a strategic IS sourcing phenomenon: Critical review and insights for future research
D Nevo, J Kotlarsky - The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2020 - Elsevier
Fueled by the development of Internet-based platforms that provided its technological
foundation, and the need for an agile and uniquely skilled workforce, crowdsourcing has …
foundation, and the need for an agile and uniquely skilled workforce, crowdsourcing has …
Solver engagement in online crowdsourcing communities: The roles of perceived interactivity, relationship quality and psychological ownership
X Shi, R Evans, W Shan - Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022 - Elsevier
Crowdsourcing has attracted significant attention from organizations seeking to capture new
ideas and solutions, finance new projects, and obtain market feedback about product …
ideas and solutions, finance new projects, and obtain market feedback about product …
Unpacking the social media–driven innovation capability: How consumer conversations turn into organizational innovations
Given the scale and scope of consumer conversations on social media, it is both possible
and challenging for organizations to identify valuable ideas from those conversations that …
and challenging for organizations to identify valuable ideas from those conversations that …
[HTML][HTML] Factors influencing solvers' behaviors in knowledge-intensive crowdsourcing: A systematic literature review
X Zhang, E ** high‐quality ideas as the basis of new goods and services is
an important topic that coincides with companies' rapid development of these products. In …
an important topic that coincides with companies' rapid development of these products. In …
The impact of social reputation features in innovation tournaments: Evidence from a natural experiment
SJ Deodhar, S Gupta - Information Systems Research, 2023 - pubsonline.informs.org
This study examines how a change in an online reputation system, specifically the addition
of a social reputation feature, affects contestant performance in innovation tournaments …
of a social reputation feature, affects contestant performance in innovation tournaments …