Recovering from a decade: a systematic map** of information retrieval approaches to software traceability

M Borg, P Runeson, A Ardö - Empirical Software Engineering, 2014 - Springer
Engineers in large-scale software development have to manage large amounts of
information, spread across many artifacts. Several researchers have proposed expressing …

Automated, interactive, and traceable domain modelling empowered by artificial intelligence

R Saini, G Mussbacher, JLC Guo, J Kienzle - Software and Systems …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Model-Based Software Engineering provides various modelling formalisms for
capturing the structural, behavioral, configuration, and intentional aspects of software …

The quest for ubiquity: A roadmap for software and systems traceability research

O Gotel, J Cleland-Huang, JH Hayes… - 2012 20th IEEE …, 2012 -
Traceability underlies many important software and systems engineering activities, such as
change impact analysis and regression testing. Despite important research advances, as in …

The grand challenge of traceability (v1. 0)

O Gotel, J Cleland-Huang, JH Hayes, A Zisman… - Software and systems …, 2012 - Springer
This chapter offers a vision for traceability in software and systems engineering and outlines
eight challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve it. One of these challenges is …

When and how using structural information to improve ir-based traceability recovery

A Panichella, C McMillan, E Moritz… - 2013 17th European …, 2013 -
Information Retrieval (IR) has been widely accepted as a method for automated traceability
recovery based on the textual similarity among the software artifacts. However, a notorious …

Tracelab: An experimental workbench for equip** researchers to innovate, synthesize, and comparatively evaluate traceability solutions

E Keenan, A Czauderna, G Leach… - 2012 34th …, 2012 -
TraceLab is designed to empower future traceability research, through facilitating innovation
and creativity, increasing collaboration between researchers, decreasing the startup costs …

Information retrieval versus deep learning approaches for generating traceability links in bilingual projects

J Lin, Y Liu, J Cleland-Huang - Empirical Software Engineering, 2022 - Springer
Software traceability links are established between diverse artifacts of the software
development process in order to support tasks such as compliance analysis, safety …

Automated traceability for domain modelling decisions empowered by artificial intelligence

R Saini, G Mussbacher, JLC Guo… - 2021 IEEE 29th …, 2021 -
Domain modelling abstracts real-world entities and their relationships in the form of class
diagrams for a given domain problem space. Modellers often perform domain modelling to …

Enhancing software traceability by automatically expanding corpora with relevant documentation

T Dasgupta, M Grechanik, E Moritz, B Dit… - 2013 IEEE …, 2013 -
Software trace ability is the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement in both a
forward and backward direction by defining relationships to related development artifacts. A …

Capturing software traceability links from developers' eye gazes

B Walters, T Shaffer, B Sharif, H Kagdi - Proceedings of the 22nd …, 2014 -
The paper presents a novel approach for recovering software traceability links from
developers' eye gazes. An eye tracker is used to capture eye gazes while developers …