Effects of exergaming on balance of healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Balance is critical for older adults to perform daily activities. However, age-related declines
in balance increase the risk of falls and severe injuries, such as bone fractures and head …
in balance increase the risk of falls and severe injuries, such as bone fractures and head …
[HTML][HTML] Balance control in lower extremity amputees during quiet standing: a systematic review
Postural control has been widely evaluated for the normal population and different groups
over the past 20 years. Numerous studies have investigated postural control in quiet …
over the past 20 years. Numerous studies have investigated postural control in quiet …
Efficacy of Nintendo Wii training on mechanical leg muscle function and postural balance in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial
Background. Older adults show increased risk of falling and major risk factors include
impaired lower extremity muscle strength and postural balance. However, the potential …
impaired lower extremity muscle strength and postural balance. However, the potential …
Reliability analysis of a sensitive and independent stabilometry parameter set
Recent studies have suggested reduced independent and sensitive parameter sets for
stabilometry measurements based on correlation and variance analyses. However, the …
stabilometry measurements based on correlation and variance analyses. However, the …
Validity and intrarater reliability of a novel device for assessing Plantar flexor strength
Introduction Plantar flexor weakness is an identified prospective factor for develo**
Achilles tendinopathy. Various authors have reported relationships between symptoms and …
Achilles tendinopathy. Various authors have reported relationships between symptoms and …
The influence of time of day on static and dynamic postural control in normal adults
YH Kwon, YW Choi, SH Nam, MH Lee - Journal of physical therapy …, 2014 - jstage.jst.go.jp
[Purpose] We attempted to determine whether static and dynamic postural control ability
fluctuated depending on the influence of the time of day (9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm), and at …
fluctuated depending on the influence of the time of day (9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm), and at …
Postural control as a function of time-of-day: influence of a prior strenuous running exercise or demanding sustained-attention task
Background The current experiment investigated the impact of two potential confounding
variables on the postural balance in young participants: the induced-experimental activity …
variables on the postural balance in young participants: the induced-experimental activity …
The impact of time of day on the gait and balance control of Alzheimer's patients
T Paillard, F Noé, N Bru, M Couderc… - Chronobiology …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Alzheimer's patients suffer from circadian dysregulation. The aim of this study was to
examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11: 00, 14: 00 …
examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11: 00, 14: 00 …
Impaired postural balance in the morning in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Postural balance (PB) is frequently used as an outcome measure in clinical and research
settings when assessing patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Pain and stiffness is known …
settings when assessing patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Pain and stiffness is known …
Time-of-day effects on postural control and attentional capacities in children
R Baccouch, N Zarrouk, H Chtourou, H Rebai… - Physiology & …, 2015 - Elsevier
The present study aimed to examine the effect of time-of-day on postural control, body
temperature, and attentional capacities in 5–6 year old children. Twelve male children (5–6 …
temperature, and attentional capacities in 5–6 year old children. Twelve male children (5–6 …