A comprehensive review of the impacts of climate change on salmon: Strengths and weaknesses of the Literature by life stage
LG Crozier, JE Siegel - Fishes, 2023 - mdpi.com
As we confront novel environmental challenges, a full understanding of the physical and
biological processes that govern species responses to climate change will help maintain …
biological processes that govern species responses to climate change will help maintain …
Ecosystem experiment reveals benefits of natural and simulated beaver dams to a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
N Bouwes, N Weber, CE Jordan, WC Saunders… - Scientific reports, 2016 - nature.com
Beaver have been referred to as ecosystem engineers because of the large impacts their
dam building activities have on the landscape; however, the benefits they may provide to …
dam building activities have on the landscape; however, the benefits they may provide to …
A review of approaches for monitoring the effectiveness of regional river habitat restoration programs
Large regional programs to restore riverine habitat for fish and aquatic organisms have
become common throughout North America, Europe, and elsewhere. Evaluating the …
become common throughout North America, Europe, and elsewhere. Evaluating the …
[HTML][HTML] Over forty years of lowland stream restoration: Lessons learned?
Stream restoration efforts have increased, but the success rate is still rather low. The
underlying reasons for these unsuccessful restoration efforts remain inconclusive and need …
underlying reasons for these unsuccessful restoration efforts remain inconclusive and need …
Why aren't Salmon responding to habitat restoration in the Pacific Northwest?
RE Bilby, KP Currens, KL Fresh, DB Booth… - Fisheries, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Declines in populations of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in the Pacific Northwest have
led to listings under the Endangered Species Act. One objective of current recovery efforts is …
led to listings under the Endangered Species Act. One objective of current recovery efforts is …
Estimating the benefits of widespread floodplain reconnection for Columbia River Chinook salmon
In the Pacific Northwest, widespread stream channel simplification has led to a loss of
habitat area and diversity for rearing salmon. Subsequent efforts throughout the Columbia …
habitat area and diversity for rearing salmon. Subsequent efforts throughout the Columbia …
[หนังสือ][B] A review of hatchery reform science in Washington State
JH Anderson, KI Warheit, BE Craig, TR Seamons… - 2020 - wdfw.wa.gov
Here we review the science of hatchery reform, describing the benefits of hatcheries, the
risks of hatcheries, and the major operational options available to hatchery mangers for …
risks of hatcheries, and the major operational options available to hatchery mangers for …
Effects of livestock exclusion on stream habitat and aquatic biota: A review and recommendations for implementation and monitoring
To inform riparian restoration, research, and monitoring and to provide management
recommendations, we reviewed published studies evaluating the physical and biological …
recommendations, we reviewed published studies evaluating the physical and biological …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of the effectiveness and effects of long-term ecological restoration on watershed water quality dynamics in two eutrophic river catchments in Lake …
T Duan, J Feng, X Chang, Y Li - Ecological Indicators, 2022 - Elsevier
The ecological restoration projects are important in alleviating the ecological degradation
conditions. The evaluation of the long-term effects and effectiveness of ecological restoration …
conditions. The evaluation of the long-term effects and effectiveness of ecological restoration …
Goals and principles for programmatic river restoration monitoring and evaluation: collaborative learning across multiple projects
River restoration is a relatively recent undertaking, with high levels of complexity and
uncertainty involved. Many restoration projects have been monitored over the past three …
uncertainty involved. Many restoration projects have been monitored over the past three …