Transformative impact of proteomics on cardiovascular health and disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
The year 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the coining of the term proteomics. The
purpose of this scientific statement is to summarize advances over this period that have …
purpose of this scientific statement is to summarize advances over this period that have …
iDEP: an integrated web application for differential expression and pathway analysis of RNA-Seq data
Background RNA-seq is widely used for transcriptomic profiling, but the bioinformatics
analysis of resultant data can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for biologists …
analysis of resultant data can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for biologists …
Pathway and network analysis in proteomics
Proteomics is inherently a systems science that studies not only measured protein and their
expressions in a cell, but also the interplay of proteins, protein complexes, signaling …
expressions in a cell, but also the interplay of proteins, protein complexes, signaling …
Dynamic network biomarker indicates pulmonary metastasis at the tip** point of hepatocellular carcinoma
Develo** predictive biomarkers that can detect the tip** point before metastasis of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is critical to prevent further irreversible deterioration. To …
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is critical to prevent further irreversible deterioration. To …
Robust biomarker screening from gene expression data by stable machine learning-recursive feature elimination methods
Recently, identifying robust biomarkers or signatures from gene expression profiling data
has attracted much attention in computational biomedicine. The successful discovery of …
has attracted much attention in computational biomedicine. The successful discovery of …
Identifying critical transitions and their leading biomolecular networks in complex diseases
Identifying a critical transition and its leading biomolecular network during the initiation and
progression of a complex disease is a challenging task, but holds the key to early diagnosis …
progression of a complex disease is a challenging task, but holds the key to early diagnosis …
LogBTF: gene regulatory network inference using Boolean threshold network model from single-cell gene expression data
Motivation From a systematic perspective, it is crucial to infer and analyze gene regulatory
network (GRN) from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing data. However, most …
network (GRN) from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing data. However, most …
Toxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs): effect of lengths, functional groups and electronic structures revealed by a quantitative toxicogenomics assay
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are a group of widely used carbon-based
nanomaterials (CNMs) with various applications, which have caused increasing public …
nanomaterials (CNMs) with various applications, which have caused increasing public …
Prioritizing network communities
Uncovering modular structure in networks is fundamental for systems in biology, physics,
and engineering. Community detection identifies candidate modules as hypotheses, which …
and engineering. Community detection identifies candidate modules as hypotheses, which …
Detecting tissue-specific early warning signals for complex diseases based on dynamical network biomarkers: study of type 2 diabetes by cross-tissue analysis
Identifying early warning signals of critical transitions during disease progression is a key to
achieving early diagnosis of complex diseases. By exploiting rich information of high …
achieving early diagnosis of complex diseases. By exploiting rich information of high …