[HTML][HTML] Illegal pet trade on social media as an emerging impediment to the conservation of Asian otters species

P Siriwat, V Nijman - Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 2018 - Elsevier
Social media has become an increasingly popular platform to trade legal and illegal wildlife.
Here, we evaluate the online trade of otters, a group of globally threatened taxa in Thailand …

Home range variation and site fidelity of Bornean southern gibbons [Hylobates albibarbis] from 2010-2018

SM Cheyne, BR Capilla, AK, Supiansyah, Adul… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Gibbons are highly territorial and have two key areas within these territories. The core area
in which we find all slee** trees and the trees from which the gibbons duet and the wider …

[HTML][HTML] Gibbon population status and long-term viability: Implication for a newly established protected area management

WKKN Tun, N Sukumal, D Ngoprasert, NM Shwe… - Global Ecology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Effective protected area management is a crucial process for biodiversity conservation, and
its effectiveness can be evaluated using the status of indicator species. Monitoring changes …

The javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) habitat changes and fragmentation in the Dieng Mountains, Indonesia

S Widyastuti, D Perwitasari-Farajallah… - Jurnal Manajemen …, 2023 - journal.ipb.ac.id
The endangered javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) has been threaten by massive habitat
loss and fragmentation in Java. The survival of the second largest population which …

Cases of fatal electrocution of the endangered Javan gibbons (Mammalia: Primates: Hylobatidae) by power lines

Y Yi, S Ham, R Oktaviani, MC Dewi… - … of Threatened Taxa, 2022 - threatenedtaxa.org
Human-made structures are often deadly to wildlife. Power lines from electric poles can
cause serious injury and even death of wildlife via electrocution, especially of arboreal …

Predicting suitable habitat for the endangered Javan Gibbon in a submontane forest in Indonesia

R Oktaviani, A Borzée, AN Cahyana… - … of Threatened Taxa, 2023 - threatenedtaxa.org
Species distribution modeling is an essential tool for understanding the ecology of species
and has many applications in conservation. Using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) modeling, we …

Considering management context when investigating behavioral profiles in a group of captive Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch)

J Hale, N Malone, B Floyd - Journal of Applied Animal Welfare …, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Effective animal husbandry aims to produce behavioral profiles consistent with those
observed in wild counterparts. However, few studies have examined the impacts of …

[Књига][B] The Dialectical Primatologist: The Past, Present and Future of Life in the Hominoid Niche

N Malone - 2022 - library.oapen.org
The Dialectical Primatologist identifies the essential parameters vital for the continued
coexistence of hominoids (apes and humans), synthesising primate research and …

Demography of a stable gibbon population in high-elevation forest on Java

S Lappan, R Oktaviani, A Choi, S Ham… - … conservation in the …, 2023 - books.google.com
Conservation of endangered species is fundamentally linked with their demography (Lande,
1988; Lawler, 2011; Strier, 2014). Extinctions occur when population growth rates are …