[HTML][HTML] Understanding urban growth modeling in Africa: Dynamics, drivers, and challenges

A Korah, JAM Koch, MC Wimberly - Cities, 2024 - Elsevier
Africa has been a hotspot of rapid urban growth since 2000, yet no review exists that
describes the current state of urban growth modeling. This review aims to fill this gap by …

[HTML][HTML] Forecasting urban land use change based on cellular automata and the PLUS model

L Xu, X Liu, D Tong, Z Liu, L Yin, W Zheng - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
Nowadays, cities meet numerous sustainable development challenges in facing growing
urban populations and expanding urban areas. The monitoring and simulation of land use …

Spatio-temporal patterns and accessibility of green spaces in Kumasi, Ghana

PI Korah, MA Akaateba, BAA Akanbang - Habitat International, 2024 - Elsevier
Urban green spaces (UGS) are a central part of cities and offer multiple ecological and
social benefits necessary for a higher quality of life of inhabitants. However, rapid unguided …

Digital map** and predicting the urban growth: integrating scenarios into cellular automata—Markov chain modeling

O Isinkaralar, C Varol, D Yilmaz - Applied Geomatics, 2022 - Springer
Predictive modeling and land use/land cover change studies in complex systems are well
advanced. Cellular automata (CA)-Markov chain (MC) can be defined as one frequently …

Urban modelling and forecasting of landuse using SLEUTH model

V Kumar, S Agrawal - International Journal of Environmental Science and …, 2023 - Springer
The present study performs landcover modelling using the SLEUTH model. The urban land
use changing factors are calibrated to predict the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) for a …

Agent-based modelling for spatiotemporal patterns of urban land expansion around university campuses

AMS Mohammed, T Ukai - Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2023 - Springer
University campuses are known to be accompanied by physical and economic
spatiotemporal patterns that contribute to the urban land expansion process of their …

Coupling renewal and sprawl processes on block level to simulate urban residential growth in Berlin

B Zhang, S Hu, T Lakes - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2025 - Elsevier
Urban residential growth modeling has attracted a lot of attention from scholars as an
essential tool for urban planning and sustainable development. This study presents a …

Modelling Urbanisation in Cities in the Global South: A Review of Progress and Framework for the Future

FSK Agyemang, M Sahana - Geography Compass, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past several decades, urbanisation has been a key feature of cities in the Global
South, and many scholars have used urban expansion models as tools to not only study this …

An investigation of past and future LULC using multilayer perceptron-Markov chain techniques: a case study of a Himalayan smart city (2005–2040)

S Pant, S Agrawal, V Kumar - Environment, Development and …, 2024 - Springer
This study focuses on the Dehradun tehsil of India for urban growth modeling. It is one of the
cities under 100 smart city plans by the Government of India. Land Use Land Cover (LULC) …