Recent progress on superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking
Superconductivity and magnetism are adversarial states of matter. The presence of
spontaneous magnetic fields inside the superconducting state is, therefore, an intriguing …
spontaneous magnetic fields inside the superconducting state is, therefore, an intriguing …
Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
Magnetic field penetrates type-II bulk superconductors by forming quantum vortices that
enclose a magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux quantum. The flux quantum is a universal …
enclose a magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux quantum. The flux quantum is a universal …
Superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry inside a superconducting s-wave state
In general, magnetism and superconductivity are antagonistic to each other. However, there
are several families of superconductors in which superconductivity coexists with magnetism …
are several families of superconductors in which superconductivity coexists with magnetism …
Calorimetric evidence for two phase transitions in Ba1−xKxFe2As2 with fermion pairing and quadrupling states
Materials that break multiple symmetries allow the formation of four-fermion condensates
above the superconducting critical temperature (T c). Such states can be stabilized by phase …
above the superconducting critical temperature (T c). Such states can be stabilized by phase …
Demonstration of skyrmions in three-band superconductors by self-consistent solutions of a Bogoliubov–de Gennes model
Topological defects, such as magnetic-flux-carrying quantum vortices, determine the
magnetic response of superconductors and hence are of fundamental importance. Here, we …
magnetic response of superconductors and hence are of fundamental importance. Here, we …
Properties of dirty two-band superconductors with repulsive interband interaction: Normal modes, length scales, vortices, and magnetic response
Disorder in two-band superconductors with repulsive interband interaction induces a
frustrated competition between the phase-locking preferences of the various potential and …
frustrated competition between the phase-locking preferences of the various potential and …
Hydrodynamics of Borromean counterfluids
Counterflow superfluidity in a system with N≥ 3 components is distinctively different from the
N= 2 case. The key feature is the difference between the number (N) of elementary vortex …
N= 2 case. The key feature is the difference between the number (N) of elementary vortex …
Effects of intercomponent couplings on the appearance of time-reversal symmetry breaking fermion-quadrupling states in two-component london models
Detection of a bosonic metallic state that breaks the Z 2 time-reversal symmetry has been
recently reported in Ba 1− x K x Fe 2 As 2 with a do** level x≈ 0.8. This is a metallic state …
recently reported in Ba 1− x K x Fe 2 As 2 with a do** level x≈ 0.8. This is a metallic state …
Effective model and magnetic properties of the resistive electron quadrupling state
Recent experiments [Grinenko et al. Nat. Phys. 17, 1254 (2021) NPAHAX 1745-2473
10.1038/s41567-021-01350-9] reported the observation of a condensate of four-fermion …
10.1038/s41567-021-01350-9] reported the observation of a condensate of four-fermion …
Magnetic signatures of domain walls in and superconductors: Observability and what that can tell us about the superconducting order parameter
One of the defining features of spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry (BTRS) is the
existence of domain walls, the detection of which would be strong evidence for such …
existence of domain walls, the detection of which would be strong evidence for such …