Normal capillary forces
A liquid meniscus between two lyophilic solid surfaces causes an attractive force, the
capillary force. The meniscus can form by capillary condensation or by accumulation of …
capillary force. The meniscus can form by capillary condensation or by accumulation of …
Sources and characteristics of acoustic emissions from mechanically stressed geologic granular media—A review
The formation of cracks and emergence of shearing planes and other modes of rapid
macroscopic failure in geologic granular media involve numerous grain scale mechanical …
macroscopic failure in geologic granular media involve numerous grain scale mechanical …
[КНИГА][B] Surface and interfacial forces
A general introduction to surface and interfacial forces, perfectly combining theoretical
concepts, experimental techniques and practical applications. In this completely updated …
concepts, experimental techniques and practical applications. In this completely updated …
Wet granular materials
Most studies on granular physics have focused on dry granular media, with no liquids
between the grains. However, in geology and many real world applications (eg food …
between the grains. However, in geology and many real world applications (eg food …
Dynamics of wet granular matter
S Herminghaus* - Advances in physics, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Recent advances in understanding model systems of wet granular materials are presented,
with particular emphasis on statistical concepts, dynamics, and phase transitions. It is …
with particular emphasis on statistical concepts, dynamics, and phase transitions. It is …
Morphological clues to wet granular pile stability
When a granular material such as sand is mixed with a certain amount of liquid, the surface
tension of the latter bestows considerable stiffness to the material, which enables, for …
tension of the latter bestows considerable stiffness to the material, which enables, for …
Entangled granular media
This chapter explains how the shape of a simple nonconvex particle, au‐particle influences
bulk rheology. It introduces experimental techniques used to characterize granular rheology …
bulk rheology. It introduces experimental techniques used to characterize granular rheology …
Computer simulation of model cohesive powders: Influence of assembling procedure and contact laws on low consolidation states
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the structure and mechanical
properties of a simple two-dimensional model of a cohesive granular material. Intergranular …
properties of a simple two-dimensional model of a cohesive granular material. Intergranular …
Mixing characteristics of wet granular matter in a bladed mixer
We performed numerical simulations of dry and wet granular flow inside a four-bladed mixer
using the discrete element method (DEM). A capillary force model was incorporated to mimic …
using the discrete element method (DEM). A capillary force model was incorporated to mimic …
Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies
Capillarity in wet granular materials induces cohesion and increases the material strength
due to the attractive forces acting on capillary bridges. In the funicular state, water bridges …
due to the attractive forces acting on capillary bridges. In the funicular state, water bridges …