Clay minerals on Mars: An up-to-date review with future perspectives

P Du, P Yuan, J Liu, B Ye - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Clay minerals, or analogously phyllosilicates, are some of the most astonishing minerals
ever discovered on Mars due to their roles as indicators of water-rock interaction. Their …

A shallow salt pond analog for aqueous alteration on ancient Mars: Spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of sediments from Antarctica's Dry Valleys

ZFM Burton, JL Bishop, PAJ Englert… - American …, 2023‏ -
Understanding past and present aqueous activity on Mars is critical to constraining martian
aqueous geochemistry and habitability, and to searching for life on Mars. Assemblages of …

Solfataric alteration at the South Sulfur Bank, Kilauea, Hawaii, as a mechanism for the formation of sulfates, phyllosilicates, and silica on Mars

JL Bishop, P Schiffman, E Murad, RJ Southard… - American …, 2024‏ -
Solfataric alteration at the South Sulfur Bank of the former Kilauea caldera produced opal,
Mg-and Fe-rich smectites, gypsum, and jarosite through silica replacement of pyroclastic …

Jarosite-Rich Mineral Crust on Coastal Cliffs in Central Norway: Microstructural and Geochemical Investigations

SO Johansen, KF Gebremariam - Minerals, 2022‏ -
The study of jarosite produced under diverse conditions is essential to gain insight into its
diverse formation mechanisms on earth. Such investigations can even pave ways to better …

Учредители: Институт физики им. БИ Степанова НАН Беларуси

Исследованы колебательные спектры встречающихся в природе аммонийных
сульфатов: чермигита NH 4 Al (SO 4) 2 (H 2 O) 12, лонкрикита NH 4 Fe (SO 4) 2 (H2O) …

[HTML][HTML] 华北克拉通南缘嵩箕地区喀斯特铝 (粘) 土矿成矿作用及其后生改造研究

左鹏飞, 肖子涵, 杨淑娟, 董一鸣 - 岩石学报, 2023‏ -
华北克拉通铝(粘) 土矿是我国喀斯特型铝(粘) 土矿的典型代表, 前人针对其物质组成, 物质来源,
成因机制开展了大量研究, 但对其成矿后生改造尚未开展系统研究. 本文对嵩箕地区铝(粘) …