Articulation-aware canonical surface map**
We tackle the tasks of: 1) predicting a Canonical Surface Map** (CSM) that indicates the
map** from 2D pixels to corresponding points on a canonical template shape, and 2) …
map** from 2D pixels to corresponding points on a canonical template shape, and 2) …
Continuous surface embeddings
In this work, we focus on the task of learning and representing dense correspondences in
deformable object categories. While this problem has been considered before, solutions so …
deformable object categories. While this problem has been considered before, solutions so …
Leveraging photometric consistency over time for sparsely supervised hand-object reconstruction
Modeling hand-object manipulations is essential for understanding how humans interact
with their environment. While of practical importance, estimating the pose of hands and …
with their environment. While of practical importance, estimating the pose of hands and …
Delving deep into hybrid annotations for 3d human recovery in the wild
Though much progress has been achieved in single-image 3D human recovery, estimating
3D model for in-the-wild images remains a formidable challenge. The reason lies in the fact …
3D model for in-the-wild images remains a formidable challenge. The reason lies in the fact …
Transferring dense pose to proximal animal classes
Recent contributions have demonstrated that it is possible to recognize the pose of humans
densely and accurately given a large dataset of poses annotated in detail. In principle, the …
densely and accurately given a large dataset of poses annotated in detail. In principle, the …
Normal-guided garment UV prediction for human re-texturing
Clothes undergo complex geometric deformations, which lead to appearance changes. To
edit human videos in a physically plausible way, a texture map must take into account not …
edit human videos in a physically plausible way, a texture map must take into account not …
Refineloc: Iterative refinement for weakly-supervised action localization
Video action detectors are usually trained using datasets with fully-supervised temporal
annotations. Building such datasets is an expensive task. To alleviate this problem, recent …
annotations. Building such datasets is an expensive task. To alleviate this problem, recent …
Simpose: Effectively learning densepose and surface normals of people from simulated data
With a proliferation of generic domain-adaptation approaches, we report a simple yet
effective technique for learning difficult per-pixel 2.5 D and 3D regression representations of …
effective technique for learning difficult per-pixel 2.5 D and 3D regression representations of …
KTN: Knowledge transfer network for learning multiperson 2D-3D correspondences
Human densepose estimation, aiming at establishing dense correspondences between 2D
pixels of human body and 3D human body template, is a key technique in enabling …
pixels of human body and 3D human body template, is a key technique in enabling …
Ultrapose: Synthesizing dense pose with 1 billion points by human-body decoupling 3d model
Recovering dense human poses from images plays a critical role in establishing an image-
to-surface correspondence between RGB images and the 3D surface of the human body …
to-surface correspondence between RGB images and the 3D surface of the human body …