In search of attributes that support self-regulation in blended learning environments
Blended forms of learning have become increasingly popular. Learning activities within
these environments are supported by a large variety of online and face-to-face interventions …
these environments are supported by a large variety of online and face-to-face interventions …
Blended learning acceptance: A systematic review of information systems models
Examining the blended learning (b-learning) acceptance is not a new research topic, and it
has been tackled by many scholars. Nevertheless, the analysis of information systems (IS) …
has been tackled by many scholars. Nevertheless, the analysis of information systems (IS) …
[ספר][B] Blending technologies in second language classrooms
P Gruba, D Hinkelman - 2012 - academia.edu
3.3 Meso level design considerations of institutional goals 36 3.4 Potential mistakes in
selecting technologies 39 3.5 Possible issues, causes and potential management tactics 40 …
selecting technologies 39 3.5 Possible issues, causes and potential management tactics 40 …
[HTML][HTML] Moodle and Socrative quizzes as formative aids on theory teaching in a chemical engineering subject
There is a majority opinion on the positive influence of using technologies in teaching.
However, few studies account for their effect on students' final grades. Traditional theory …
However, few studies account for their effect on students' final grades. Traditional theory …
The implementation of blended learning to enhance English reading skills of Thai undergraduate students.
Blended learning is a pragmatic approach to education, combining online and traditional
methods, applied extensively in the fields of English as a first, second and foreign language …
methods, applied extensively in the fields of English as a first, second and foreign language …
Adults' self-regulatory behaviour profiles in blended learning environments and their implications for design
Blended forms of learning have become increasingly popular. However, it remains unclear
under what circumstances blended learning environments are successful. Studies suggest …
under what circumstances blended learning environments are successful. Studies suggest …
[HTML][HTML] Гибридное обучение: российская и зарубежная практика
КА Баранников, ДП Ананин, НГ Стрикун… - Вопросы …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Проведено исследование с целью анализа сложившихся вузовских практик гибридного
обучения. В качестве ключевого критерия гибридного обучения рассматривается …
обучения. В качестве ключевого критерия гибридного обучения рассматривается …
Comparing hybrid learning with traditional approaches on learning the Microsoft Office Power Point 2003 program in tertiary education
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a hybrid learning approach
to deliver a computer science course concerning the Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003 …
to deliver a computer science course concerning the Microsoft office PowerPoint 2003 …
Connectivity: A framework for understanding effective language teaching in face-to-face and online learning communities
R Senior - RELC journal, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
This is an exploratory paper that uses the construct of connectivity to examine the nature of
effective language teaching and learning in both face-to-face and online learning …
effective language teaching and learning in both face-to-face and online learning …
Blending makes the difference: Comparison of blended and traditional instruction on students' performance and attitudes in computer literacy
Purpose of this study is to compare students' course achievement and attitudes towards
computers in computer literacy course between two course delivery methods: Blended and …
computers in computer literacy course between two course delivery methods: Blended and …