Topological superconductors from a materials perspective

M Mandal, NC Drucker, P Siriviboon… - Chemistry of …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Topological superconductors (TSCs) have garnered significant research and industry
attention in the past two decades. By hosting Majorana bound states which can be used as …

Nonsymmorphic symmetry and field-driven odd-parity pairing in

DC Cavanagh, T Shishidou, M Weinert, PMR Brydon… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Recently, evidence has emerged for a field-induced even-to odd-parity superconducting
phase transition in Ce Rh 2 As 2 [S. Khim, Science 373, 1012 (2021)] 10.1126/science …

Spin fluctuations from Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces in the superconducting state of S-substituted FeSe

Z Yu, K Nakamura, K Inomata, X Shen, T Mikuri… - Communications …, 2023 -
The study of the iron-based superconductor, FeSe, has resulted in various topics, such as
the interplay among superconductivity, nematicity, and magnetism, Bardeen-Cooper …

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies in a model transverse field Ising system

YH Nian, I Vinograd, C Chaffey, Y Li, MP Zic… - Frontiers in …, 2024 -
The suppression of ferroquadrupolar order in TmVO4 in a magnetic field is well-described
by the transverse field Ising model, enabling detailed studies of critical dynamics near the …

-NMR evidence for spin-singlet superconductivity with exotic superconducting fluctuations in FeSe

J Li, BL Kang, D Zhao, B Lei, YB Zhou, DW Song, SJ Li… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Although the nature of the superconducting state has been intensively studied in FeSe,
many fundamental issues including the pairing symmetry and superconducting fluctuations …

Machine-learning-assisted determination of electronic correlations from magnetic resonance

A Rao, S Carr, C Snider, DE Feldman… - Physical Review …, 2023 - APS
In the presence of strong electronic spin correlations, the hyperfine interaction imparts long-
range coupling between nuclear spins. Efficient protocols for the extraction of such complex …

Signatures of electronic correlations and spin-susceptibility anisotropy in nuclear magnetic resonance

S Carr, C Snider, DE Feldman, C Ramanathan… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We present a methodology for probing the details of electronic susceptibility through
minimally invasive nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Specifically, we classify …

Feedback of Non-Local d xy Nematicity on the Magnetic Anisotropy in FeSe

S Bötzel, IM Eremin - Frontiers in Physics, 2022 -
We analyze theoretically the magnetic anisotropy in the nematic phase of FeSe by
computing the spin and the orbital susceptibilities from the microscopic multiorbital model. In …

[CARTE][B] Structural Characterization and Physical Properties of Superconducting LaNiGa2 and Antiferromagnetic CeIn3

JR Badger - 2021 -
In this dissertation, I will describe two experimental studies on two different condensed
matter systems. The first study originates from our crystallographic findings on LaNiGa 2 …

[PDF][PDF] Structural Characterization and Physical Properties of Superconducting LaNiGa2 and

JR Badger - 2021 -
In this dissertation, I will describe two experimental studies on two different condensed
matter systems. The first study originates from our crystallographic findings on LaNiGa2 …