Leadership in Italy: The changing role of leaders in elections and in government
D Campus, G Pasquino - Journal of Contemporary European …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Since 1994 Italian politics has undergone a radical transformation involving all the
institutions, the parties and the party system and the major political actors. 2 The meaning …
institutions, the parties and the party system and the major political actors. 2 The meaning …
Leaders, dreams and journeys: Italy's new political communication
D Campus - Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
This article argues that the modernization of Italian political campaigns and their relationship
with the media have led parties and candidates to reconceptualize both their symbols and …
with the media have led parties and candidates to reconceptualize both their symbols and …
Contexts, networks, and voting behavior: The social flow of political communication in Italy
M Mancosu - Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di …, 2016 - cambridge.org
Previous research demonstrated that different contextual sources can affect voting behavior.
Homogeneous familiar networks affect individual behavior of people embedded in these …
Homogeneous familiar networks affect individual behavior of people embedded in these …
A second republic for Italy?
M Donovan - Political Studies Review, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
Radical change in the representative dimension of Italy's political system was expected to
bring a transition to a 'Second Republic'in Italy. That has not happened. Nevertheless, after …
bring a transition to a 'Second Republic'in Italy. That has not happened. Nevertheless, after …
Contextual effects, awareness, and voting behaviour: Does knowing about local politics increase contextual influence?
M Mancosu - Politics, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Context is usually employed to explain voting behaviour, but the way in which it affects
people remains obscure. Previous studies have stressed that awareness of the context …
people remains obscure. Previous studies have stressed that awareness of the context …
Riforma elettorale e cambiamento partitico
F Venturino - Un'analisi delle elezioni maggioritarie in Italia, 2004 - francoangeli.it
Per il sistema partitico italiano gli anni'80 ei primi anni'90 hanno significato la fine della
stabilità elettorale e l'inizio di una crisi senza precedenti e senza paragoni possibili con altre …
stabilità elettorale e l'inizio di una crisi senza precedenti e senza paragoni possibili con altre …
Nuovi cleavages e competizione partitica nel sistema politico italiano
Il presente lavoro si propone di indagare le condizioni di evoluzione del sistema dei partiti in
Italia nella transizione degli anni Novanta, allo scopo di delineare le fratture socio-politiche …
Italia nella transizione degli anni Novanta, allo scopo di delineare le fratture socio-politiche …
La scelta degli indecisi
A few weeks before the 2006 Italian General election, a significant proportion of voters
declared they were still undecided about whom to vote for. Using ITANES 2006 panel and …
declared they were still undecided about whom to vote for. Using ITANES 2006 panel and …
The national elections of 13 May 2001: Chronicle of a victory foretold–albeit a little too soon
I Diamanti, M Lazar - Italian Politics, 2002 - berghahnjournals.com
To be able to analyse the results of the 2001 Italian legislative elections, we should first
clarify the issues that these elections presented to both the actors taking part and the …
clarify the issues that these elections presented to both the actors taking part and the …
Bipolarizace italského stranického systému
T Foltýn - Politologický časopis-Czech Journal of Political …, 2005 - ceeol.com
Výsledky parlamentních voleb v roce 1996 a zejména potom v roce 2001 přinesly do
italského politického systému v poválečných dě**ách dosud nepoznaný prvek–alternaci …
italského politického systému v poválečných dě**ách dosud nepoznaný prvek–alternaci …