Application of coagulation/flocculation in oily wastewater treatment: A review
C Zhao, J Zhou, Y Yan, L Yang, G **ng, H Li… - Science of The Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Volumes of oily wastewater are inevitably generated by every walk of life. The removal of oil
particles from oil-contaminated wastewater which is characterized as huge amounts …
particles from oil-contaminated wastewater which is characterized as huge amounts …
Treatment of industrial oily wastewater by advanced technologies: a review
Oily wastewater consists of fats, oils and greases together with a broad spectrum of
dissolved organic and/or inorganic substances in suspension. It is regarded as one of the …
dissolved organic and/or inorganic substances in suspension. It is regarded as one of the …
Electrode passivation, faradaic efficiency, and performance enhancement strategies in electrocoagulation—a review
Treating water and wastewater is energy-intensive, and traditional methods that require
large amounts of chemicals are often still used. Electrocoagulation (EC), an electrochemical …
large amounts of chemicals are often still used. Electrocoagulation (EC), an electrochemical …
Electrocoagulation and advanced electrocoagulation processes: A general review about the fundamentals, emerging applications and its association with other …
S Garcia-Segura, MMSG Eiband, JV de Melo… - Journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
The electrocoagulation (EC) process is an electrochemical means of introducing coagulants
and removing suspended solids, colloidal material, and metals, as well as other dissolved …
and removing suspended solids, colloidal material, and metals, as well as other dissolved …
A review on the treatment of water and wastewater by electrocoagulation process: Advances and emerging applications
Electrocoagulation (EC) is a potential water treatment method for eliminating various
pollutants, including pathogens, organic compounds, and heavy metals. The EC technique …
pollutants, including pathogens, organic compounds, and heavy metals. The EC technique …
Electrocoagulation process in water treatment: A review of electrocoagulation modeling approaches
Electrocoagulation process (EC) has been the subject of several reviews in the last decade,
and is still a very active area of research. Most published works deals with applications for …
and is still a very active area of research. Most published works deals with applications for …
Emerging usage of electrocoagulation technology for oil removal from wastewater: a review
Electrocoagulation is a simple and efficient treatment method involving the
electrodissolution of sacrificial anodes and formation of hydroxo-metal products as …
electrodissolution of sacrificial anodes and formation of hydroxo-metal products as …
A critical review in electrocoagulation technology applied for oil removal in industrial wastewater
A Shokri, MS Fard - Chemosphere, 2022 - Elsevier
EC process, which stands for Electrocoagulation, is considered a widespread wastewater
remediation method that is investigated widely for an extensive variety of wastewater …
remediation method that is investigated widely for an extensive variety of wastewater …
Electrochemical technologies for wastewater treatment and resource reclamation
Research developments in environmental electrochemistry and their potential to contribute
to a cleaner environment are reviewed here for wastewater treatment applications. Most …
to a cleaner environment are reviewed here for wastewater treatment applications. Most …
Heavy metals removal from aqueous environments by electrocoagulation process–a systematic review
E Bazrafshan, L Mohammadi… - Journal of environmental …, 2015 - Springer
Heavy metals pollution has become a more serious environmental problem in the last
several decades as a result releasing toxic materials into the environment. Various …
several decades as a result releasing toxic materials into the environment. Various …