A comparative review of peridynamics and phase-field models for engineering fracture mechanics
Computational modeling of the initiation and propagation of complex fracture is central to the
discipline of engineering fracture mechanics. This review focuses on two promising …
discipline of engineering fracture mechanics. This review focuses on two promising …
A thermo-mechanical phase-field fracture model: Application to hot cracking simulations in additive manufacturing
Thermal fracture is prevalent in many engineering problems and is one of the most
devastating defects in metal additive manufacturing. Due to the interactive underlying …
devastating defects in metal additive manufacturing. Due to the interactive underlying …
Phase-field cohesive zone modeling of multi-physical fracture in solids and the open-source implementation in Comsol Multiphysics
Despite the popularity of phase-field models for fracture in purely mechanical problems, their
application to the modeling of fracture in multi-physics problems is much less reported. This …
application to the modeling of fracture in multi-physics problems is much less reported. This …
A coupled 3D thermo-mechanical peridynamic model for cracking analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous materials
This paper proposes a variable timestep-strategy that can speed up the peridynamic
modeling of thermomechanical cracking in both homogeneous and heterogeneous …
modeling of thermomechanical cracking in both homogeneous and heterogeneous …
Phase-field modeling of stochastic fracture in heterogeneous quasi-brittle solids
Owing to the random nature of heterogeneity, damage and fracture behavior of quasi-brittle
materials exhibits a considerable degree of uncertainty. Computational modeling of …
materials exhibits a considerable degree of uncertainty. Computational modeling of …
On the convexity of phase-field fracture formulations: Analytical study and comparison of various degradation functions
Efficient and accurate fracture modeling is of great importance in applications where
catastrophic outcomes under extreme scenarios are possible. The phase-field (PF) …
catastrophic outcomes under extreme scenarios are possible. The phase-field (PF) …
An efficient adaptive length scale insensitive phase-field model for three-dimensional fracture of solids using trilinear multi-node elements
As a diffused fracture theory, phase-field models can seamlessly simulate complex crack
patterns such as extending, branching, and merging. Despite the success of phase-field …
patterns such as extending, branching, and merging. Despite the success of phase-field …
A new hybrid phase-field model for modeling mixed-mode cracking process in anisotropic plastic rock-like materials
Mixed-mode cracking is widely encountered in rock-like geomaterials under compression-
controlled loadings. Some pending issues still need to be addressed. This work focuses on …
controlled loadings. Some pending issues still need to be addressed. This work focuses on …
The fully coupled thermo-mechanical dual-horizon peridynamic correspondence damage model for homogeneous and heterogeneous materials
To accurately address the thermally induced dynamic and steady-state crack propagation
problems for homogeneous and heterogeneous materials involving crack branching …
problems for homogeneous and heterogeneous materials involving crack branching …
An adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for phase-field fracture models: Application to brittle, cohesive, and dynamic fracture
Phase-field models (PFMs) have proven to accurately predict complex crack patterns like
crack branching, merging, and crack fragmentation, but they are computationally costly …
crack branching, merging, and crack fragmentation, but they are computationally costly …