Machine learning to detect anomalies in web log analysis

Q Cao, Y Qiao, Z Lyu - 2017 3rd IEEE international conference …, 2017 -
As the information technology develops rapidly, Web servers are easily to be attacked
because of their high value. Therefore, Web security has aroused great concern in both …

[PDF][PDF] Intrusion detection system using log files and reinforcement learning

B Deokar, A Hazarnis - International Journal of Computer …, 2012 -
ABSTRACT World Wide Web is widely accessed by people for accessing services, social
networking and so on. All these activities of users are traced in different types of log files …

Analysis of alarms to prevent the organizations network in real-time using process mining approach

VP Mishra, B Shukla, A Bansal - Cluster Computing, 2019 - Springer
The analysis of alarms in the current intrusion detection system depends upon the manual
system by network administrators. Due to the manual analysis, still many organizations are …

Process mining in intrusion detection-the need of current digital world

VP Mishra, B Shukla - Advanced Informatics for Computing Research: First …, 2017 - Springer
In the current age of digital world, all users of Internet/Network as well as organizations are
suffering from intrusions which results into data/information are theft/loss. In the present …

Analysis and comparison of process mining algorithms with application of process mining in intrusion detection system

VP Mishra, J Dsouza, L Elizabeth - 2018 7th International …, 2018 -
Process mining assumes to find, screen and improve the genuine procedures through
picking up understanding from the log events which are promptly accessible in the existing …

Neural network based web log analysis for web intrusion detection

K Ma, R Jiang, M Dong, Y Jia, A Li - Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in …, 2017 - Springer
With the increased attacks of web servers and web applications, it is urgent to develop a
system to detect web intrusions. Web log files are stream data recording users' clicks …

Log files analysis using MapReduce to improve security

Y AZIZI, M AZIZI, M ELBOUKHARI - Procedia computer science, 2019 - Elsevier
Log files are a very useful source of information to diagnose system security and to detect
problems that occur in the system, and are often very large and can have complex structure …

[PDF][PDF] A survey on different phases of web usage mining for anomaly user behavior investigation

AP Singh, DRC Jain - International Journal of Emerging Trends & …, 2014 -
The World Wide Web or simply called Web is global information medium which users can
access a lot of information via computers to the Internet. The rapid growth of web is due to …

Semi-supervised self-training approach for web robots activity detection in weblog

RR Jagat, DS Sisodia, P Singh - Evolutionary Computing and Mobile …, 2022 - Springer
Due to the significant added value of web servers, they are vulnerable to attacks, so web
security has received a lot of attention. Web server logging systems that record each user …

Analysing log files for web intrusion investigation using hadoop

MA Latib, SA Ismail, OM Yusop, P Magalingam… - Proceedings of the 7th …, 2018 -
The process of analyzing large amount of data from the log file helps organization to identify
the web intruders' activities as well as the vulnerabilities of the website. However, analyzing …