[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness of STEAM-based blended learning on students' critical and creative thinking skills

AS Putri, ZK Prasetyo, LA Purwastuti… - Int J Eval & Res Educ …, 2023‏ - academia.edu
The critical and creative thinking skills of Indonesian students are relatively low from
countries in the Malay family such as Malaysia and Singapore. This research aims to …

Competency achievement indicators in Indonesian high school electronic school books: Overview of the development of creative-innovative thinking aspects

I Safi'i, W Tarmini, A Hikmat… - … : Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa …, 2022‏ - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Creative-innovative thinking is an important competency to be developed in students so that
they can be equipped in solving various challenges they face. One of the efforts to increase …

Item quality analysis using the Rasch model to measure critical thinking ability in the material of the human digestive system of Biology subject in high school

WA Prasetya, AT Pratama - Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi …, 2023‏ - scholarhub.uny.ac.id
This study aims to determine the quality of the Biology instrument items on the digestive
system material with the Rasch model for analyzing critical thinking skills. The research …

Profile of students' creative thinking skills on global warming material: Gender perspective in physics learning

D Wulandari, E Hariyono, N Suprapto… - Journal of Physics …, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Students need creative thinking skills, critical thinking, collaborative, and communicative in
the 21st century in learning physics. In predicting further research, it is necessary to analyze …

Develo** early childhood students' creative thinking ability in STEM Education

A Somwaeng - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
This research is a quasi-experimental research. The research aimed to compare the
development of creative thinking of kindergarten 2 students before and after learning …

E-magazine development with social emotional learning approach on colloid material in context of local wisdom

S Syahmani, R Iriani, S Riana… - … : Jurnal Keguruan Dan …, 2022‏ - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
The rapid development of education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in various sectors of life
in science and technology is a source of its own challenges for a teacher in the learning …

Profile of students' critical and creative thinking skills

N Alfitriyani, ID Pursitasari… - 5th Asian Education …, 2021‏ - atlantis-press.com
This study aims to profile the critical and creative thinking skills of high school students in
science. The research was employed a quantitative descriptive method. The participants …

Analysis of momentum and impulse on students' creative thinking skill through project based learning integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering …

M Saputri, M Syukri - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The aim of this study was to analyze students' creative thinking skills on momentum and
impulse material through Project based learning integrated STEM. The type of research …

Instructional Material Design of Project-Based Learning to Train Creative Thinking Skills in Era Society 5.0

SF Rabia, A Asrul, NE Genç… - Profesi Pendidikan …, 2024‏ - journals2.ums.ac.id
It is hoped that the use of creative and environmentally relevant instructional material will be
able to improve creative thinking skills, among others. The aim of this research is to …

Flipped Learning Berbasis Project Terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Dan Prestasi Belajar Di Pendidikan Tinggi

AAG Ekayana - Kwangsan: Jurnal Teknologi …, 2022‏ - jurnalkwangsan.kemdikbud.go.id
Practical learning carried out online during the pandemic must provide a way out for
students to improve the quality of learning competencies. The purpose of this research is to …