[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness of STEAM-based blended learning on students' critical and creative thinking skills
The critical and creative thinking skills of Indonesian students are relatively low from
countries in the Malay family such as Malaysia and Singapore. This research aims to …
countries in the Malay family such as Malaysia and Singapore. This research aims to …
Competency achievement indicators in Indonesian high school electronic school books: Overview of the development of creative-innovative thinking aspects
Creative-innovative thinking is an important competency to be developed in students so that
they can be equipped in solving various challenges they face. One of the efforts to increase …
they can be equipped in solving various challenges they face. One of the efforts to increase …
Item quality analysis using the Rasch model to measure critical thinking ability in the material of the human digestive system of Biology subject in high school
This study aims to determine the quality of the Biology instrument items on the digestive
system material with the Rasch model for analyzing critical thinking skills. The research …
system material with the Rasch model for analyzing critical thinking skills. The research …
Profile of students' creative thinking skills on global warming material: Gender perspective in physics learning
Students need creative thinking skills, critical thinking, collaborative, and communicative in
the 21st century in learning physics. In predicting further research, it is necessary to analyze …
the 21st century in learning physics. In predicting further research, it is necessary to analyze …
Develo** early childhood students' creative thinking ability in STEM Education
A Somwaeng - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
This research is a quasi-experimental research. The research aimed to compare the
development of creative thinking of kindergarten 2 students before and after learning …
development of creative thinking of kindergarten 2 students before and after learning …
E-magazine development with social emotional learning approach on colloid material in context of local wisdom
The rapid development of education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in various sectors of life
in science and technology is a source of its own challenges for a teacher in the learning …
in science and technology is a source of its own challenges for a teacher in the learning …
Profile of students' critical and creative thinking skills
This study aims to profile the critical and creative thinking skills of high school students in
science. The research was employed a quantitative descriptive method. The participants …
science. The research was employed a quantitative descriptive method. The participants …
Analysis of momentum and impulse on students' creative thinking skill through project based learning integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering …
The aim of this study was to analyze students' creative thinking skills on momentum and
impulse material through Project based learning integrated STEM. The type of research …
impulse material through Project based learning integrated STEM. The type of research …
Instructional Material Design of Project-Based Learning to Train Creative Thinking Skills in Era Society 5.0
It is hoped that the use of creative and environmentally relevant instructional material will be
able to improve creative thinking skills, among others. The aim of this research is to …
able to improve creative thinking skills, among others. The aim of this research is to …
Flipped Learning Berbasis Project Terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Dan Prestasi Belajar Di Pendidikan Tinggi
Practical learning carried out online during the pandemic must provide a way out for
students to improve the quality of learning competencies. The purpose of this research is to …
students to improve the quality of learning competencies. The purpose of this research is to …