Species distribution models (SDM): applications, benefits and challenges in invasive species management.
The use of species distribution models (SDM) is of increasing popularity when studying
biological invasions, eg to assess the impact of climate change on invasive species, to …
biological invasions, eg to assess the impact of climate change on invasive species, to …
Using species distribution models at local scale to guide the search of poorly known species: Review, methodological issues and future directions
Among specific applications of species distribution models (SDMs), the use of SDMs
probabilistic maps for guiding field surveys is increasingly applied. This approach is …
probabilistic maps for guiding field surveys is increasingly applied. This approach is …
[KNJIGA][B] Habitat suitability and distribution models: with applications in R
This book introduces the key stages of niche-based habitat suitability model building,
evaluation and prediction required for understanding and predicting future patterns of …
evaluation and prediction required for understanding and predicting future patterns of …
Development and delivery of species distribution models to inform decision-making
Abstract Information on where species occur is an important component of conservation and
management decisions, but knowledge of distributions is often coarse or incomplete …
management decisions, but knowledge of distributions is often coarse or incomplete …
The area under the precision‐recall curve as a performance metric for rare binary events
Species distribution models are used to study biogeographic patterns and guide decision‐
making. The variable quality of these models makes it critical to assess whether a model's …
making. The variable quality of these models makes it critical to assess whether a model's …
Landslide susceptibility assessment using maximum entropy model with two different data sampling methods
The aim of the current study is to map landslide susceptibility over the Ziarat watershed in
the Golestan Province, Iran, using Maximum Entropy (ME), as a machine learning model …
the Golestan Province, Iran, using Maximum Entropy (ME), as a machine learning model …
Effects of sample size on the performance of species distribution models
ABSTRACT A wide range of modelling algorithms is used by ecologists, conservation
practitioners, and others to predict species ranges from point locality data. Unfortunately, the …
practitioners, and others to predict species ranges from point locality data. Unfortunately, the …
Alternative tree species under climate warming in managed European forests
This study estimates the present and future distribution potential of 12 thermophilic and rare
tree species for Europe based on climate-soil sensitive species distribution models (SDMs) …
tree species for Europe based on climate-soil sensitive species distribution models (SDMs) …
Caveats for correlative species distribution modeling
Correlative species distribution models are becoming commonplace in the scientific
literature and public outreach products, displaying locations, abundance, or suitable …
literature and public outreach products, displaying locations, abundance, or suitable …
Five (or so) challenges for species distribution modelling
Species distribution modelling is central to both fundamental and applied research in
biogeography. Despite widespread use of models, there are still important conceptual …
biogeography. Despite widespread use of models, there are still important conceptual …