Violent video games, delinquency, and youth violence: New evidence
Violent video game playing is correlated with aggression, but its relation to antisocial
behavior in correctional and juvenile justice samples is largely unknown. Based on a data …
behavior in correctional and juvenile justice samples is largely unknown. Based on a data …
Evolutionary patterns and processes: lessons from ancient DNA
Ever since its emergence in 1984, the field of ancient DNA has struggled to overcome the
challenges related to the decay of DNA molecules in the fossil record. With the recent …
challenges related to the decay of DNA molecules in the fossil record. With the recent …
[ספר][B] Introducing interpreting studies
F Pöchhacker - 2022 -
This bestselling textbook, now fully updated, introduces students, researchers and
practitioners to the fast-develo** discipline of Interpreting Studies. Written by one of the …
practitioners to the fast-develo** discipline of Interpreting Studies. Written by one of the …
[ספר][B] Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach
JJ Arnett - 2001 -
The author's goal of presenting a fresh conception of young people's development has
resulted in chapters on topics not as strongly represented in most other textbooks. Most …
resulted in chapters on topics not as strongly represented in most other textbooks. Most …
Children and disasters: Understanding vulnerability, develo** capacities, and promoting resilience—An introduction
This comprehensive overview of the literature on children and disasters argues that scholars
and practitioners should more carefully consider the experiences of children themselves. As …
and practitioners should more carefully consider the experiences of children themselves. As …
Comparative advantage and heterogeneous firms
This paper examines how country, industry, and firm characteristics interact in general
equilibrium to determine nations' responses to trade liberalization. When firms possess …
equilibrium to determine nations' responses to trade liberalization. When firms possess …
JP Bhattacharya - 2006 -
Deltas are discrete shoreline protuberances formed where a river enters a standing body of
water and supplies sediments more rapidly than they can be redistributed by basinal …
water and supplies sediments more rapidly than they can be redistributed by basinal …
[PDF][PDF] Updated status of federally listed ESUs of West Coast salmon and steelhead
During the 1990s, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS or NOAA Fisheries Service)
conducted a series of reviews of the status of West Coast populations of Pacific salmon and …
conducted a series of reviews of the status of West Coast populations of Pacific salmon and …
Low prices are just the beginning: Price image in retail management
Recent managerial evidence and academic research has suggested that consumer
decisions are influenced not only by the prices of individual items but also by a retailer's …
decisions are influenced not only by the prices of individual items but also by a retailer's …
Falling from great (and not-so-great) heights: How initial status position influences performance after status loss
We investigate how initial status position influences the quality of task performance in the
aftermath of status loss. We argue that despite the benefits of having status, high-status …
aftermath of status loss. We argue that despite the benefits of having status, high-status …