Nanoelectronics using metal–insulator transition
Metal–insulator transition (MIT) coupled with an ultrafast, significant, and reversible resistive
change in Mott insulators has attracted tremendous interest for investigation into next …
change in Mott insulators has attracted tremendous interest for investigation into next …
Rare-earth nickelates RNiO3: thin films and heterostructures
This review stands in the larger framework of functional materials by focussing on
heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates, described by the chemical formula RNiO 3 where R …
heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates, described by the chemical formula RNiO 3 where R …
A2B′ B ″O6 perovskites: a review
S Vasala, M Karppinen - Progress in solid state chemistry, 2015 - Elsevier
The B-site substituted perovskite oxides A 2 B′ B ″O 6 have in the recent decades gained
an increasing amount of interest due to their various interesting properties and possible …
an increasing amount of interest due to their various interesting properties and possible …
Origin of band gaps in 3d perovskite oxides
With their broad range of properties, ABO3 transition metal perovskite oxides have long
served as a platform for device applications and as a testing bed for different condensed …
served as a platform for device applications and as a testing bed for different condensed …
Ground-state oxygen holes and the metal–insulator transition in the negative charge-transfer rare-earth nickelates
The metal–insulator transition and the intriguing physical properties of rare-earth perovskite
nickelates have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Nonetheless, a complete …
nickelates have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Nonetheless, a complete …
Multiferroics: a magnetic twist for ferroelectricity
SW Cheong, M Mostovoy - Nature materials, 2007 -
Magnetism and ferroelectricity are essential to many forms of current technology, and the
quest for multiferroic materials, where these two phenomena are intimately coupled, is of …
quest for multiferroic materials, where these two phenomena are intimately coupled, is of …
Physics of ultrathin films and heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates
The electronic structure of transition metal oxides featuring correlated electrons can be
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
Ferroelectricity and giant magnetocapacitance in perovskite rare-earth manganites
T Goto, T Kimura, G Lawes, AP Ramirez, Y Tokura - Physical review letters, 2004 - APS
The relationships among magnetism, lattice modulation, and dielectric properties have
been<? format?> investigated for R MnO 3 (R= Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy). These compounds …
been<? format?> investigated for R MnO 3 (R= Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy). These compounds …
Colossal resistance switching and band gap modulation in a perovskite nickelate by electron do**
The electronic properties of correlated oxides are exceptionally sensitive to the orbital
occupancy of electrons. Here we report an electron do** strategy via a chemical route …
occupancy of electrons. Here we report an electron do** strategy via a chemical route …
Evolution of the Jahn−Teller Distortion of MnO6 Octahedra in RMnO3 Perovskites (R = Pr, Nd, Dy, Tb, Ho, Er, Y): A Neutron Diffraction Study
JA Alonso, MJ Martinez-Lope, MT Casais… - Inorganic …, 2000 - ACS Publications
Stoichiometric RMnO3 perovskites have been prepared in the widest range of R3+ ionic
sizes, from PrMnO3 to ErMnO3. Soft-chemistry procedures have been employed; inert …
sizes, from PrMnO3 to ErMnO3. Soft-chemistry procedures have been employed; inert …