ICTP lectures on (non-) invertible generalized symmetries

S Schäfer-Nameki - Physics Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
What comprises a global symmetry of a Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has been vastly
expanded in the past 10 years to include not only symmetries acting on higher-dimensional …

Lectures on generalized symmetries

L Bhardwaj, LE Bottini, L Fraser-Taliente, L Gladden… - Physics Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
These are a set of lecture notes on generalized global symmetries in quantum field theory.
The focus is on invertible symmetries with a few comments regarding non-invertible …

Non-invertible condensation, duality, and triality defects in 3+ 1 dimensions

Y Choi, C Cordova, PS Hsin, HT Lam… - … in Mathematical Physics, 2023 - Springer
We discuss a variety of codimension-one, non-invertible topological defects in general 3+ 1d
QFTs with a discrete one-form global symmetry. These include condensation defects from …

Non-invertible higher-categorical symmetries

L Bhardwaj, LE Bottini, S Schäfer-Nameki, A Tiwari - SciPost Physics, 2023 - scipost.org
We sketch a procedure to capture general non-invertible symmetries of a $ d $-dimensional
quantum field theory in the data of a higher-category, which captures the local properties of …

The branes behind generalized symmetry operators

JJ Heckman, M Hübner, E Torres… - Fortschritte der …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The modern approach to m‐form global symmetries in ad‐dimensional quantum field theory
(QFT) entails specifying dimension d− m− 1 dm-1 topological generalized symmetry …

Noninvertible time-reversal symmetry

Y Choi, HT Lam, SH Shao - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
In gauge theory, it is commonly stated that time-reversal symmetry only exists at θ= 0 or π for
a 2 π-periodic θ angle. In this Letter, we point out that in both the free Maxwell theory and …

Top down approach to topological duality defects

JJ Heckman, M Hübner, E Torres, X Yu, HY Zhang - Physical Review D, 2023 - APS
Topological duality defects arise as codimension one generalized symmetry operators in
quantum field theories (QFTs) with a duality symmetry. Recent investigations have shown …

Quantization of axion-gauge couplings and noninvertible higher symmetries

Y Choi, M Forslund, HT Lam, SH Shao - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
We derive model-independent quantization conditions on the axion couplings (sometimes
known as the anomaly coefficients) to the standard model gauge group [SU (3)× SU (2)× U …

Non-invertible symmetries of = 4 SYM and twisted compactification

J Kaidi, G Zafrir, Y Zheng - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract Non-invertible symmetries have recently been understood to provide interesting
constraints on RG flows of QFTs. In this work, we show how non-invertible symmetries can …