Homogenization for space-time-dependent KPP reaction–diffusion equations and G-equations

YP Zhang, A Zlatoš - Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential …, 2023 - Springer
We prove stochastic homogenization for reaction–advection–diffusion equations with
random space-time-dependent KPP reactions with temporal correlations that are decaying …

Homogenization for time-periodic KPP reactions

A Zlatoš - Nonlinearity, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
We prove homogenization for reaction–advection–diffusion equations with KPP reactions, in
the time-periodic spatially stationary ergodic setting, and find an explicit formula for the …

Microscopic derivation of a traffic flow model with a bifurcation

P Cardaliaguet, N Forcadel - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2024 - Springer
The goal of the paper is a rigorous derivation of a macroscopic traffic flow model with a
bifurcation or a local perturbation from a microscopic one. The microscopic model is a …

A shape theorem for exploding sandpiles

A Bou-Rabee - The Annals of Applied Probability, 2024 - projecteuclid.org
We study scaling limits of exploding Abelian sandpiles using ideas from percolation and
front propagation in random media. We establish sufficient conditions under which a limit …

Quantitative homogenization for combustion in random media

YP Zhang, A Zlatoš - Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, 2023 - content.ems.press
We obtain the first quantitative stochastic homogenization result for reaction–diffusion
equations, for ignition reactions in dimensions d Ä 3 that either have finite ranges of …

Symmetries and Patterns in Sandpiles

A Bou-Rabee - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The Abelian sandpile is a deterministic diffusion process on graphs which produces striking,
kaleidoscopic patterns. Why do these patterns appear? Are the patterns robust to noise? Do …

[CITÁCIA][C] Virtual linearity and homogenization for KPP reaction-diffusion equations

A Zlatoš - preprint