[ספר][B] Musical works and performances: A philosophical exploration

S Davies - 2001‏ - books.google.com
What are musical works? Are they discovered or created? Of what elements are they
comprised? How are they specified by notations? What makes a performance of one piece …

[ספר][B] Muslim rulers and rebels: Everyday politics and armed separatism in the southern Philippines

TM McKenna - 2023‏ - books.google.com
In this first ground-level account of the Muslim separatist rebellion in the Philippines,
Thomas McKenna challenges prevailing anthropological analyses of nationalism as well as …

Indigenous states of southeast Asia

GC Bentley - Annual Review of Anthropology, 1986‏ - JSTOR
Compared with the precocious empires of East and South Asia, Southeast Asia has
traditionally been considered a cultural and political backwater and its people as receptors …

Balinese “water temples” and the management of irrigation

JS Lansing - American anthropologist, 1987‏ - Wiley Online Library
Bali has figured prominently in debates on the question of whether irrigation centralizes
state power. New evidence shows that irrigation is actually organized by networks of “water …

The analysis of culture in complex societies

F Barth - Ethnos, 1989‏ - Taylor & Francis
Field materials from North Bali are presented to question conventional anthropological
conceptions of culture and common practices in its analysis. The author argues that there is …

" Cultural tourism" in Bali: Cultural performances as tourist attraction

M Picard - Indonesia, 1990‏ - JSTOR
Culture is Bali's defining feature, and Balinese culture is renowned for its dynami resilience.
The Balinese have been readily praised for their ability to borrow whateve foreign influence …

Playing to the senses: Food as a performance medium

B Kirshenblatt-Gimblett - Performance Research, 1999‏ - Taylor & Francis
Points of Contact: Performance, Food and Cookery, a conference organized by the Centre
for Performance Research in Cardiff (13-16 January 1994) was a food event in its own right …

[ספר][B] Anishinaabe ways of knowing and being

LW Gross - 2016‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Very few studies have examined the worldview of the Anishinaabeg from within the culture
itself and none have explored the Anishinaabe worldview in relation to their efforts to …

[ספר][B] A peaceful jihad: Negotiating identity and modernity in Muslim Java

R Lukens-Bull - 2005‏ - books.google.com
Based on extensive ethnographic research, this book examines how the Islamic community
in Java, Indonesia, is actively negotiating both modernity and tradition in the contexts of …

[ספר][B] The Lucifer principle: A scientific expedition into the forces of history

HK Bloom - 1997‏ - books.google.com
The Lucifer Principle is a revolutionary work that explores the intricate relationships among
genetics, human behavior, and culture to put forth the thesis that" evil" is a by-product of …