The nocebo effect
L Colloca - Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology, 2024 - annualreviews.org
Adverse nocebo responses can cause harm to patients and interfere with treatment
adherence and effects in both clinic practice and clinical trials. Nocebo responses refer to …
adherence and effects in both clinic practice and clinical trials. Nocebo responses refer to …
The nocebo effect across health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Objetivo: El efecto nocebo representa una preocupación creciente en el ámbito clínico. Los
efectos Nocebo ocurren cuando el contexto del tratamiento genera expectativas negativas …
efectos Nocebo ocurren cuando el contexto del tratamiento genera expectativas negativas …
Placebo 2.0: the impact of expectations on analgesic treatment outcome
U Bingel - Pain, 2020 - journals.lww.com
Experimental and clinical evidence from the past decades indicates that patients'
expectations about treatment benefits are crucial modulators of health and treatment …
expectations about treatment benefits are crucial modulators of health and treatment …
The relationship between expectancy, anxiety, and the nocebo effect: a systematic review and meta-analysis with recommendations for future research
Despite the theoretical prominence of expectancy and anxiety as potential mechanisms of
the nocebo effect, not all studies measure expectancy and/or anxiety, and there are …
the nocebo effect, not all studies measure expectancy and/or anxiety, and there are …
Learning pain from others: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia induced by observational learning
Observing someone experience pain relief or exacerbation after an intervention may induce
placebo hypoalgesia or nocebo hyperalgesia. Understanding the factors that contribute to …
placebo hypoalgesia or nocebo hyperalgesia. Understanding the factors that contribute to …
Observing treatment outcomes in other patients can elicit augmented placebo effects on pain treatment: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial with patients with …
M Schwartz, LM Fischer, C Bläute, J Stork, L Colloca… - Pain, 2022 - journals.lww.com
Clinical research on social observational learning (SoL) as an underlying mechanism for
inducing expectancy and eliciting analgesic placebo effects is lacking. This double-blinded …
inducing expectancy and eliciting analgesic placebo effects is lacking. This double-blinded …
Nocebo effects in health psychology
K Faasse - Australian Psychologist, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The nocebo effect is a potentially powerful phenomenon that can result in harmful or
unpleasant treatment outcomes caused by negative expectations, past experience, and …
unpleasant treatment outcomes caused by negative expectations, past experience, and …
Pavlov's pain: The effect of classical conditioning on pain perception and its clinical implications
Abstract Purpose of Review It has been known for decades that classical conditioning
influences pain perception. However, the precise relationship between conditioning and …
influences pain perception. However, the precise relationship between conditioning and …
Learning by observing: a systematic exploration of modulatory factors and the impact of observationally induced placebo and nocebo effects on treatment outcomes
H Klauß, A Kunkel, D Müßgens, J Haaker… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Introduction Observational learning (OL) refers to learning through observing other people's
behavior. OL has been suggested as an effective and simple tool to evoke treatment …
behavior. OL has been suggested as an effective and simple tool to evoke treatment …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of psychological traits and prior experience on treatment expectations
Background Placebo and nocebo responses are modulated by the treatment expectations of
participants and patients. However, interindividual differences predicting treatment …
participants and patients. However, interindividual differences predicting treatment …