Exoplanetary atmospheres: key insights, challenges, and prospects

N Madhusudhan - Annual Review of Astronomy and …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Exoplanetary science is on the verge of an unprecedented revolution. The thousands of
exoplanets discovered over the past decade have most recently been supplemented by …

The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: overview, operation, simulation

R Davies, J Alves, Y Clenet… - Ground-based and …, 2018 - spiedigitallibrary.org
MICADO will enable the ELT to perform diffraction limited near-infrared observations at first
light. The instrument's capabilities focus on imaging (including astrometric and high contrast) …

A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL

G Tinetti, P Drossart, P Eccleston, P Hartogh… - Experimental …, 2018 - Springer
Thousands of exoplanets have now been discovered with a huge range of masses, sizes
and orbits: from rocky Earth-like planets to large gas giants grazing the surface of their host …

Retrieving scattering clouds and disequilibrium chemistry in the atmosphere of HR 8799e

P Mollière, T Stolker, S Lacour, G Otten… - Astronomy & …, 2020 - aanda.org
Context. Clouds are ubiquitous in exoplanet atmospheres and they represent a challenge
for the model interpretation of their spectra. When generating a large number of model …

Direct imaging and astrometric detection of a gas giant planet orbiting an accelerating star

T Currie, GM Brandt, TD Brandt, B Lacy, A Burrows… - Science, 2023 - science.org
Direct imaging of gas giant exoplanets provides information on their atmospheres and the
architectures of planetary systems. However, few planets have been detected in blind …

Imaging extrasolar giant planets

BP Bowler - Publications of the Astronomical Society of the …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
High-contrast adaptive optics (AO) imaging is a powerful technique to probe the
architectures of planetary systems from the outside-in and survey the atmospheres of self …

Direct imaging discovery of a super-Jovian around the young Sun-like star AF Leporis

RJ De Rosa, EL Nielsen, Z Wahhaj, JB Ruffio… - Astronomy & …, 2023 - aanda.org
Context. Expanding the sample of directly imaged companions to nearby, young stars that
are amenable to detailed astrometric and spectroscopic studies is critical for the continued …

Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426

G Chauvin, S Desidera, AM Lagrange, A Vigan… - Astronomy & …, 2017 - aanda.org
Aims. The SHINE program is a high-contrast near-infrared survey of 600 young, nearby stars
aimed at searching for and characterizing new planetary systems using VLT/SPHERE's …

SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope

JL Beuzit, A Vigan, D Mouillet, K Dohlen… - Astronomy & …, 2019 - aanda.org
Observations of circumstellar environments that look for the direct signal of exoplanets and
the scattered light from disks have significant instrumental implications. In the past 15 years …

Detection and bulk properties of the HR 8799 planets with high-resolution spectroscopy

JJ Wang, JB Ruffio, E Morris, JR Delorme… - The Astronomical …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Using the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer, we obtained high-resolution (R∼
35,000) K-band spectra of the four planets orbiting HR 8799. We clearly detected H 2 O and …