Expression of metallothionein encoding gene bmtA in biofilm-forming marine bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa N6P6 and understanding its involvement in Pb(II) …
The genetic basis and biochemical aspects of heavy metal endurance abilities have been
precisely studied in planktonic bacteria; however, in nature, bacteria mostly grows as …
precisely studied in planktonic bacteria; however, in nature, bacteria mostly grows as …
Bioremediation potential of biofilm forming multi-metal resistant marine bacterium Pseudomonas chengduensis PPSS-4 isolated from contaminated site of Paradip …
Biofilm forming and heavy metal resistant marine bacterial strain Pseudomonas
chengduensis PPSS-4 was isolated from the contaminated marine sediment of Paradip Port …
chengduensis PPSS-4 was isolated from the contaminated marine sediment of Paradip Port …
Characterization and bioremediation potential of native heavy-metal tolerant bacteria isolated from rat-hole coal mine environment
Identification and characterization of endogenous and stress adapted bacterial species, from
rat-hole coal mines in Meghalaya, amplify the ambit of bioremediation for eco-restoration. 52 …
rat-hole coal mines in Meghalaya, amplify the ambit of bioremediation for eco-restoration. 52 …
A manganese-oxidizing bacterium-Enterobacter hormaechei strain DS02Eh01: Capabilities of Mn (II) immobilization, plant growth promotion and biofilm formation
H Li, Y Wu, Y Tang, B Fang, P Luo, L Yang… - Environmental Pollution, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract While biogenic Mn oxides (BioMnO x) generated by Mn (II)-oxidizing bacteria
(MOB) have attracted increasing attention, a MOB strain isolated from Mn-polluted …
(MOB) have attracted increasing attention, a MOB strain isolated from Mn-polluted …
Biodetoxification of toxic heavy metals by marine metal resistant bacteria-a novel approach for bioremediation of the polluted saline environment
Heavy metal contamination of the environment is a serious threat to our biological
ecosystem due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. In recent years, increased …
ecosystem due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. In recent years, increased …
A comparative study of the wild and mutated heavy metal resistant Klebsiella variicola generated for cadmium bioremediation
FB Yetunde Mutiat, B Gbolahan, O Olu - Bioremediation Journal, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Ten indigenous heavy metals resistant bacteria were isolated from the discharged effluent of
Biological Sciences building at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria …
Biological Sciences building at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria …
[HTML][HTML] Alleviation of Cr(VI) Toxicity and Improve Phytostabilization Potential of Vigna radiata Using a Novel Cr(VI) Reducing Multi-Stress-Tolerant Plant Growth Promoting …
Chromium (Cr) is a toxic heavy metal discharged into the environment through various
anthropogenic sources, which affects soil properties and fertility. Hence, an effective soil …
anthropogenic sources, which affects soil properties and fertility. Hence, an effective soil …
[HTML][HTML] Study on cadmium resistant-bacteria isolated from hospital wastewaters
In hospital, a variety of substances are in use for medical purposes as diagnostics and
researches. Among them, heavy metals which are not biodegradable by chemical reactions …
researches. Among them, heavy metals which are not biodegradable by chemical reactions …
Isolation and characterization of zinc resistant bacteria from a coil coating industrial wastewater treatment plant
JB Owolabi, MM Hekeu - International Journal of Environmental …, 2015 -
Wastewater effluents from metal coil coating industry containing priority pollutants including
chromium, cyanide, zinc, aluminum, cadmium, lead, nickel, selenium, tin, and mercury; oil …
chromium, cyanide, zinc, aluminum, cadmium, lead, nickel, selenium, tin, and mercury; oil …
Impact of heavy metals on water quality and indigenous Bacillus spp. prevalent in rat-hole coal mines
The present study reports pollution evaluation indices employed to assess the intensity of
metal pollution in water systems affected by acid mine drainage from rat-hole coal mines …
metal pollution in water systems affected by acid mine drainage from rat-hole coal mines …