[HTML][HTML] Virtual humans in cultural heritage ICT applications: A review
Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming an increasingly important tool for the research, the
communication and the popularization of cultural heritage. A great deal of 3D interactive …
communication and the popularization of cultural heritage. A great deal of 3D interactive …
The method and metric of user experience evaluation: a systematic literature review
A Inan Nur, H B. Santoso, P O. Hadi Putra - Proceedings of the 2021 10th …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
With the growth of User Experience (UX) research field, researchers have developed
various ways to implement UX evaluation method. These evaluation methods have different …
various ways to implement UX evaluation method. These evaluation methods have different …
3D reconstruction and validation of historical background for immersive VR applications and games: The case study of the Forum of Augustus in Rome
In the last decades, thanks to the success of the video games industry, the sector of
technologies applied to cultural heritage has begun to envisage, in this domain, new …
technologies applied to cultural heritage has begun to envisage, in this domain, new …
Comparing different storytelling approaches for virtual guides in digital immersive museums
M Carrozzino, M Colombo, F Tecchia… - … Reality, Virtual Reality …, 2018 - Springer
Virtual museums are becoming increasingly popular, especially thanks to the recent spread
of low-cost immersive technologies enabling even small cultural realities to enrich their …
of low-cost immersive technologies enabling even small cultural realities to enrich their …
[PDF][PDF] 3D Virtual environments as effective learning contexts for cultural heritage
M Mortara, C Catalano - Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 2018 - learntechlib.org
Abstract 3D technology can be a valid support to cultural heritage not only for visual
presentation and documentation, but also for communication and educational purposes. In …
presentation and documentation, but also for communication and educational purposes. In …
Did we just travel to the past? Building and evaluating with cultural presence different modes of VR-mediated experiences in virtual archaeology
L Pujol-Tost - Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2019 - dl.acm.org
Over the past years, Virtual Archaeology has introduced more experiential elements in
virtual reconstructions, therefore going beyond the traditional visualization of 3D …
virtual reconstructions, therefore going beyond the traditional visualization of 3D …
How generous interface affect user experience and behavior: Evaluating the information display interface for museum cultural heritage
Museum web interfaces continue to be important in how users search for information and
navigate through digital cultural heritage resources. A generous interface was deemed …
navigate through digital cultural heritage resources. A generous interface was deemed …
Systematic Literature Review Terhadap Evaluasi Perangkat Lunak Tentang Serious Game
AA Yunanto, S Rochimah - Jurnal Informatika, 2017 - ejournal.bsi.ac.id
Saat ini game merupakan perangkat lunak yang popular dikalangan anak-anak, remaja,
dan dewasa. Selain itu, terdapat game yang memiliki tujuan tertentu selain sebagai media …
dan dewasa. Selain itu, terdapat game yang memiliki tujuan tertentu selain sebagai media …
UX Designer and Software Developer at the mirror: Assessing sensory immersion and emotional involvement in Virtual Museums
Virtual Museums (VMs) and their audiences have always been studied as separated worlds.
Recently the importance of cross-methodological studies has been accepted by the …
Recently the importance of cross-methodological studies has been accepted by the …
[PDF][PDF] 非物质文化遗产数字化发展现状
马晓娜, 图拉, 徐迎庆 - **科学: 信息科学, 2019 - academia.edu
摘要**年来, 随着数字技术的迅速发展, 数字化成为目前非物质文化遗产保护与传播的主要方式
之一. 非物质文化遗产数字化在整个数字技术环境中包含一系列活动, 涉及记录, 保存, 展示 …
之一. 非物质文化遗产数字化在整个数字技术环境中包含一系列活动, 涉及记录, 保存, 展示 …