A review of online advertising effects on the user experience

G Brajnik, S Gabrielli - International Journal of Human-Computer …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
This article reviews empirical research conducted in the last decade on the subject of how
online display advertising affects the usability and quality of user experience of websites. In …

[SÁCH][B] Eye tracking in user experience design

JR Bergstrom, A Schall - 2014 - books.google.com
Eye Tracking for User Experience Design explores the many applications of eye tracking to
better understand how users view and interact with technology. Ten leading experts in eye …

Towards individuated reading experiences: Different fonts increase reading speed for different individuals

S Wallace, Z Bylinskii, J Dobres, B Kerr… - ACM Transactions on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
In our age of ubiquitous digital displays, adults often read in short, opportunistic interludes.
In this context of Interlude Reading, we consider if manipulating font choice can improve …

The cognitive effectiveness of subtitle processing

E Perego, F Del Missier, M Porta, M Mosconi - Media psychology, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
In an experimental study, we analyzed the cognitive processing of a subtitled film excerpt by
adopting a methodological approach based on the integration of a variety of measures: eye …

What do you see when you're surfing? Using eye tracking to predict salient regions of web pages

G Buscher, E Cutrell, MR Morris - … of the SIGCHI conference on human …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
An understanding of how people allocate their visual attention when viewing Web pages is
very important for Web authors, interface designers, advertisers and others. Such knowledge …

Engaging restaurant customers on Facebook: The power of belongingness appeals on social media

R Gruss, E Kim, A Abrahams - Journal of Hospitality & …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The hospitality and tourism industries now acknowledge that engaging with customers via
social media is an essential element of marketing strategy. Given the high variability of …

Fair trade advertising: Influences of information type and emotional appeal congruency

S Hur, JE Lee, L Stoel - Journal of Marketing Communications, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined whether and when information type (concrete vs. abstract) is an
effective advertising strategy for fair trade products. The results of two experimental studies …

Make it big! The effect of font size and line spacing on online readability

L Rello, M Pielot, MC Marcos - Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
We report from an eye-tracking experiment with 104 participants who performed reading
tasks on the most popular text-heavy website of the Web: Wikipedia. Using a hybrid …

The complex matter of online hotel choice

B Pan, L Zhang, R Law - Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
Hotels that appear near the top of the list of search results or an online travel agency page
usually get more attention and hits than those showing up lower on the page, but other …

How to present more readable text for people with dyslexia

L Rello, R Baeza-Yates - Universal Access in the Information Society, 2017 - Springer
The presentation of a text has a significant effect on the reading speed of people with
dyslexia. This paper presents a set of recommendations to customize texts on a computer …
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