EELTM: an energy efficient LifeTime maximization approach for WSN by PSO and fuzzy-based unequal clustering
Abstract The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) personifies vital and active functions in multi-
disciplinary research sectors, as it can deploy in harsh and antagonistic atmospheres where …
disciplinary research sectors, as it can deploy in harsh and antagonistic atmospheres where …
An improved artificial neural network based on human-behaviour particle swarm optimization and cellular automata
Back-Propagation (BP) neural network, as a powerful and adaptive tool, has led to a
tremendous surge in various expert systems. However, BP model has some deficiencies …
tremendous surge in various expert systems. However, BP model has some deficiencies …
PSO-based clustering techniques to solve multimodal optimization problems: A survey
Clustering is a popular machine learning technique used to segregate the number of objects
into different classes. Locating multiple peaks of a multimodal problem is a challenging task …
into different classes. Locating multiple peaks of a multimodal problem is a challenging task …
The proposal of a fuzzy clustering algorithm based on particle swarm
A Szabo, LN de Castro… - 2011 Third World …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes the Fuzzy Particle Swarm Clustering (FPSC) algorithm, which is an
extension of the crisp data clustering algorithm PSC particularly tailored to deal with fuzzy …
extension of the crisp data clustering algorithm PSC particularly tailored to deal with fuzzy …
A novel method in fuzzy data clustering based on chaotic PSO
E Toreini, M Mehrnejad - 2011 International Conference for …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Idea of data clustering with PSO has been around for recent years. In this paper, the
technique of data clustering using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm improves with …
technique of data clustering using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm improves with …
Image filtering methods for biomedical applications
M Niazi - 2011 - diva-portal.org
The field of digital image analysis enables computers to extract, modify, enhance, and help
humans understand digital images. For this reason, it has a profound impact on many …
humans understand digital images. For this reason, it has a profound impact on many …