The team-based serious illness care program, a qualitative evaluation of implementation and teaming
R Garcia, C Brown-Johnson, W Teuteberg… - Journal of pain and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Context Earlier and more frequent serious illness conversations with patients allow clinical
teams to better align care with patients' goals and values. Nonphysician clinicians often …
teams to better align care with patients' goals and values. Nonphysician clinicians often …
Maken vele handen licht werk? Geleerde lessen uit de eerste COVID-19-golf over verpleegkundige teamsamenstellingen op de Intensive Care
COVID-19 heeft veel impact gehad op de zorg en veel geëist van verpleegkundigen. Tijdens
de eerste coronagolf lag de druk vooral bij de Intensive Care (IC)-afdelingen. Om aan de …
de eerste coronagolf lag de druk vooral bij de Intensive Care (IC)-afdelingen. Om aan de …
Organizational Entry Processes
This chapter overviews communication theory and research related to organizational
newcomers' entry experiences. Following an introduction of select theories, we review …
newcomers' entry experiences. Following an introduction of select theories, we review …
Medical improvisation improves communication skills among healthcare professionals
While medical improvisation is emerging as a promising strategy for communication training,
little is known about its effects on interdisciplinary healthcare teams and there is a need to …
little is known about its effects on interdisciplinary healthcare teams and there is a need to …
“We Aren't Here to Win; We are Here Not to Lose”: Emergency Physicians' Communicative Management of Uncertainty
Healthcare providers in hospital emergency departments (EDs) work under high uncertainty
and pressure to manage a variety of patients efficiently. Whereas much existing research …
and pressure to manage a variety of patients efficiently. Whereas much existing research …
Competencias gerenciales y desarrollo institucional en una municipalidad provincial de la región Cajamarca
OA Saavedra Urcia - 2022 -
La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre las competencias
gerenciales y el desarrollo institucional en una municipalidad provincial de la Región …
gerenciales y el desarrollo institucional en una municipalidad provincial de la Región …
Groups in Medicine
Medical teams typically are multidisciplinary, hierarchically structured, and have low
temporal stability and familiarity, but often high spatial-temporal task-coordination …
temporal stability and familiarity, but often high spatial-temporal task-coordination …
Navigating narrow straits: Leadership development of municipal managers of non-policing law enforcement services
D Young - Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 2022 -
As municipal governments continue to use non-police law enforcement (NPLE) personnel in
pursuit of public safety strategies, managers tasked with overseeing such staff are typically …
pursuit of public safety strategies, managers tasked with overseeing such staff are typically …
Health Occupations and Role Performance
This entry provides a brief overview of research on role performance in healthcare, with an
emphasis on how role expectations are socially constructed and negotiated in varying …
emphasis on how role expectations are socially constructed and negotiated in varying …