Apparatus for Histological Validation of In Vivo and Ex Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Prostate
This article describes apparatus to aid histological validation of magnetic resonance
imaging studies of the human prostate. The apparatus includes a 3D-printed patient-specific …
imaging studies of the human prostate. The apparatus includes a 3D-printed patient-specific …
3D volume reconstruction from serial breast specimen radiographs for map** between histology and 3D whole specimen imaging
Purpose In breast imaging, radiological in vivo images, such as x‐ray mammography and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are used for tumor detection, diagnosis, and size …
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are used for tumor detection, diagnosis, and size …
Microstructural models for diffusion MRI in breast cancer and surrounding stroma: an ex vivo study
The diffusion signal in breast tissue has primarily been modelled using apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC), intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and diffusion tensor (DT) models …
coefficient (ADC), intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and diffusion tensor (DT) models …
Whole mastectomy volume reconstruction from 2d radiographs and its map** to histology
Women that are diagnosed with breast cancer often undergo surgery to remove either the
tumour and some of the surrounding tissue (lumpectomy) or the whole breast (mastectomy) …
tumour and some of the surrounding tissue (lumpectomy) or the whole breast (mastectomy) …
Minimum slice spacing required to reconstruct 3D shape for serial sections of breast tissue for comparison with medical imaging
There is currently an increasing interest in combining the information obtained from
radiology and histology with the intent of gaining a better understanding of how different …
radiology and histology with the intent of gaining a better understanding of how different …