Disaggregated impacts of off-farm work participation on household vulnerability to food poverty in Ghana

KN Addai, JN Ng'ombe, W Lu - The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2023‏ - Springer
This study examines disaggregated impacts of participation in off-farm employment on
household vulnerability to food poverty in Ghana. We use household-level data collected …

Impacts of interlocked contractual arrangements on dairy farmers' welfare in Zambia: a robust Bayesian instrumental variable analysis

RN Kiwanuka-Lubinda, JN Ng'ombe, C Machethe - Agrekon, 2021‏ - journals.co.za
While contract farming and interlocked contractual arrangements (ICAs) are generally
perceived to resolve persistent market failures and improve smallholder farmers' welfare in …

Smallholder aquaculture diversifies livelihoods and diets thus improving food security status: evidence from northern Zambia

AM Kaminski, SM Cole, J Johnson, SH Thilsted… - Agriculture & Food …, 2024‏ - Springer
Background Much has been made of the potential for aquaculture to improve rural
livelihoods and food and nutrition security in Africa, though little evidence exists to back such …

On the challenges faced by female members of agricultural cooperatives in Southeast Nigeria

CA Obianefo, OO Osuafor… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2021‏ - academicjournals.org
This study uses structural equation modelling (SEM) and path diagram techniques to
examine challenges faced by women in the agricultural sector cooperatives in Southeast …

Do cooperatives improve female miners' outcomes? A case study of Rwanda

L Munir - The Journal of Development Studies, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
Many African countries have encouraged the creation of local cooperatives in their efforts to
legalize artisanal and small-scale mining. This exploratory case study of Rwanda's largest …

Husbands and wives: power, peril and female participation in a Ugandan coffee cooperative

C Canelas, F Meier zu Selhausen… - Journal of Small Business …, 2024‏ - emerald.com
Purpose Female smallholder farmers in low-income countries face barriers to accessing
capital and commodity markets. While agricultural cooperatives provide services that …

[HTML][HTML] A Dose–Response analysis of rice yield to agrochemical use in Ghana

KN Addai, JN Ng'ombe, S Kaitibie - Agriculture, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
In recent years, Ghanaian agriculture has witnessed a surge in the use of agrochemicals,
with the likely consequence that nonoptimal levels of application could cause environmental …

[PDF][PDF] Utilization of Media and Institutional Support for Urban Farming in Pekanbaru City.

Y Andriani, R Yulida, R Rosnita, F Septya… - KnE Social …, 2024‏ - knepublishing.com
Urban farming is important in supporting food security in urban areas. This study aims to
identify the use of communication media in implementing urban farming and supporting …

Nutrition-sensitive solutions for aquaculture development in Africa

AM Kaminski - 2023‏ - dspace.stir.ac.uk
Commercial aquaculture in Africa has boomed in recent years. The capital-intensive growth
of tilapia aquaculture in countries like Zambia and Kenya is supplying thousands of tonnes …

Peningkatan Kapasitas Petani Lahan Kering Kecamatan Kayangan Tentang Benih Bermutu dan Budidaya Tanaman di Luar Musim

IKD Jaya, BB Santoso… - Jurnal Siar Ilmuwan …, 2023‏ - siarilmuwantani.unram.ac.id
Dua desa di kecamatan Kayangan memiliki lahan kering pasiran yang luas, yaitu desa
Gumantar dan desa Kayangan. Umumnya lahan kering pasiran memiliki tingkat kesuburan …